Saturday, December 5, 2015


The First Man on Mars

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Saw the movie today with wife at Jusco Kepong after reading very good reviews from JJ movie review. Then after watching it the review from Chris S is also great. Some would say this could be the best film of 2015 ! It was directed by Ridley scott. Through the movie thinking or hoping that some alien would come out. Anyway since this film is from a book source and strictly supervised by NASA, by being serious is one of the critical condition, non of those !
Ok some comments on the films
- why MW (mark wayens played by Matt Damon) never grow longer in the early part of the film though it was months and months of surviving. Like he has his barber up there or maybe in Mars it supress growth of facial hairs ? But towards the end (or 2nd year) he seem to like the Tom Hanks character in that film about a FedEx guy on an island.
- Woww going to mars will take 414 days and you dont see the crews doing anything to fill up their time. thats over a year. In other sci fi movies even like interstellar they show them hibernating but no this one. One more thing, what about the urge for sex ! I am sure Johansen and Beck did it and they are ok as they are singles. But what about the rest ?
- should have shown some scenes of their space ship travelling very fast like Star Trek for example as for some audience who are not sci fi or not enough grey matter may say - thats why it takes them over a year as the ship to be moving at snail pace !
- Friend or no friend i dont think all astronaut agree to go for another 500 over days to save 1 man when they have arrived ver close to earth atmosphere after about 1 year of mission !
- Can NASA or other country spend billions of $s just to save 1 man !
- No project of growing vege on Mars even if the main character is a botanist ! It was only by sheer luck that he came across some potatoes to grow. If not he would have starved when the food stock finishes.
- Individual faeces in plastic bag ?? Ok we buy the idea if left at Mars it may not decompose as there is no bacteria. But why having each one thier own collection of shit ?

There are a lot more of course. But perhaps these are very petty if you want to comment on an intelligent movie thinking that its real rather than a stupid movie thinking its all reality.
Enjoy the movie thou. Not because of the action or effects but the acting. Agree the reviewers saying that the acting was top notch.

First posting : 4Oct15

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