Saturday, December 12, 2015


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Why must see ? Old spidey Toby is here and so does The Beast (Brother of Wolverine version) also is the Prof in Thor. Dont forget above 7 rating in imdb. Its about chess real life story.
It makes playing chess fun again
This is a really good movie worthy of 7.5 rating from IMDB. Tobey (old spiderman) was great in this one. To me his acting is like Ruffalo - acting stone cold not seem to be going anywhere but got it done anyway. Thou its about Fischer's biography of sort its direction make playing chess exciting again. Didnt know that Fischer had this mental problem and perhaps thats the one thing that made him a great chess player. He was able to work out new moves that his openent did not anticipate or know. Maybe chess is like that, you adopt the strategies that you have manouvered before or copy great chess players move. In this way your opponent can calculate how you going to play win or loose. Its your vulnerability actually. Well Fischer was not that kind of chess player, he tried new things and unothordox moves which can cost him or made him win.
But credit should be given to Sparsky too (Fischer's opponent) for agreeing to Fischer's demand and complanits. If he did not, then the world would not know how great Fischer's chess is because he would had been forfeited for not following the rules. He was someone thou with so much ego wanted winning in the real sense of the word not because of your opponent's shortcomings and idiocrisies. But Sparsky was wrong to think that Fischer's purposely asked the ridiculous demands because he was actually afraid and not real. So much demands from him but those around him (the priest and the accountant?) always believe that he was going to be a great player from the begining till the end.
And one thing we know from this movie that the stake of US winning is for its own morale of  everthing there is against Russia and the rest of the world.
Worth every minute of time spent watching this definitely.