Showing posts with label rate_THUMBSUP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rate_THUMBSUP. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Another thumbs up movie seen and this is based on a true story. Reading the details from IMDB, it was 90% made up ! meaning that the true parts is only 10%. What a shame ! But it really make good entertainment and good movie thou.

The real part of the story is that Eddie Edwards did exist and he was the "star" in 1988 Calgary Winter Olympic Games alongside with another surprise team which was the Bobsleigh from Jamaica also wiith a movie "Cool Runnings" depicting their particpation. Also real was that Eddie strated ski Jumping at a much later age (beyond 22 years old) whereelse others started earlier than 6 years old !

Eddie did made the 90m jump in the Calgary Olympics and that was the first time in his life thou it was a matter of life and death for many athletes. Real also that he finished last in all the event where his personal best in the 90m jump was 71.5 m. Imagine the current record for the event is 251 m !

Now the disappointing part is which was actually the best part of the film was that the character played by Hugh Jackman including his former coach, Chris Walken were fictitious characters ! To me, the movie was very entertaining as HJ was in it. That scene where he was with CW was powerful indeed. And who could forget the part when he showed Eddie how to be better in mid air after the jump with reference to Bo Derek !

Aside from the "dissapointment" part of the film mentioned above, dont forget who Eddie was. His courage and determination were above everything. Very entertaining movie and not forget courageous too.


This movie is both directed and written by Ricky Gervais who I dont know is capable of doing those things except for acting and hosting awards show. But he did it and it was a surprise good film for me. Eric Bana was there too acting as an America. Funny during the movie when he was at Ian's (RG character) house he was commenting on the many Marvel collectibles. He happened to be the first movie hulk who got replaced ! EB plays Frank Bonnevile, a radio anchor man of sort.

I wonder whether there are occupation of these kind at this day and age. Radio achors where they convey news to their station broadcasting to radios. I thought that everything is replaced by movie news. So thats wheere Ian Finch(RG) come along as he is the sound engineer following Frank.

This is a comedy film but it does not feel like forcing you to laugh at it and thats a good aspect of it. You laugh as you go along, The story unfold effortlessly.

So thats the review of the movie for if longer it would have spoilers. Theres a very crucial plot which can happen and which is funny.

See this for its comedic nature and laughing without being forced with slapstick.

Monday, May 2, 2016

I did not expect the film to get a 1 thumbs up baldy.. but it did.

This is one movie that I wished I had seen it at the movies. Why ? Because of the boat vs waves scenes. It looks good on the TV screen and what if I saw this, with the sound effects, at the cinema. It must be really something. I remember watching Perfect Storm with the same element of Boat against the waves. But that was a fishing boat which eventually sunk and it was not even so many or big waves. But watch this film and see how a Lefe Guard boat battles the impossible against the odds against the waves. Many times you thought the boat had it but it kept on going and going. As this was based on a true story, the events really happened. So you never can argue its just a movie.

It has Chris Pine who played an opposite version of James T Kirk in terms of character. CP is so timid and follow the book kindda of lifeguard that you thought he would not make it. But his spirit and boldness is somewhat like JTK he played in Star Trek.

The event occurred in 1952 where an oil vessel was cut in half and just waiting for the time when this half sink. Its distress signal was picked up by a nearby LifeGuard base headed by the reluctant leader Eric Bana.Although he gave the order for CP to go out for rescue he could have said no or make an excuse that he tried but the sea was too rough. But he did not do any of those and with 3 men set to sea for the rescue.

The 30 over men on board the halved vessel was headed by reluctant Casey Affleck. He lead the guys not because of his leadership but as he was the only one who had knowledge.

Luck play a lot in the rescue mission as the boat's compass was defective along the way. How they found the halved vessel and how they got back to their port.

For the record, this rescue of 32 lives in a small boat still remain the record in the US naval history.

See this movie to witness the power of the human spirit.

Monday, April 4, 2016

ALLEGIANT - cinema

Got the chance to see this movie at a good theater of GSC in Tropicana City Mall yesterday with my son Adam. Why so ?

Well I manage to get 2 tickets free show from a relative and so there we were spending it for this movie. It could have Kung fu Panda 3 but then I had seen it, pity to my son for not seeing it, I decided to watch this one instead. I expected we could be both not enjoying it at all. But surprise, surprise.. it did not and it got even a thumbs up for my smiley. Even my son enjoyed it and he had no clue what this was all about as it is the 3rd segment of the Divergent series.

The plus point for this movie on this outing is that we saw it at a good theater GSC, the sound is first class when compared to TGV movies and superior tol MBO movies. The minus point to counter that was that I was wearing a below perfect vision spectacles due to my eye infection. So this should balance out each other to give a fair opinion of the movie, for me  :)

I know the movie reviews on it is not too promising. But who cares as they had been proven wrong from time to time. We are the one to enjoy not they. If they did not and we did, thats too bad. Same when its the other way round, we see movie based on their good opinion and we end up not enjoying. So whos to blame ?

Now let us get to the nitty grities of this movie.
I am not a craxy fan of the Divergent. Happened to saw them on download movies (thank god the good version ones). The previous one has Kate Winslet as the bad ass administrator and for this one you have Jeff Daniels as the bad ass Director. A different looking Niomi Watts was also in this one.

The able acting heroine Shailene Woodley was as always head the cast. Previous comments on her on this movie series that she tend to overact as thou to win an oscar (which she could but not in this movie series). Fortunately this one she did not which is good. If not, she would felt akward when compared to the rest of the cast.BTW, there was a scene where she was stripped naked bathing to clean off toxic gasses and sediments.

This movie is in the genre of Young adult film like The Hunger Games and Maze Runner and many more. What I like it better than the others even its predecesors, it has the techno part right and no overdressing or overacting like the yucky Hunger Games. The special effect is also good and the plot interesting. The pacing is all right and even through out the movie. You wont hear complaints that the film brought us to sleep in the first part but was ok in the 2nd part. The action was great too. So what is there to complain ?

The Whiplash/Fant4tic guy Miles Teller is in here and very effective.

For sure there will be the 4th instalment coming and JD remain alive and ready to avenge another day. 

So thats one good unexpected cinema movie that I saw.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This movie received huge critics on the internet. Being rated as "Dogshit", waste of time and plenty more. One critic headline says "Why did i go and see it?". Well are they refering to the same movie or did I watched a different one as I give a Thumbs up for it ! Well if the well known Youtube critic give a "Dogshit" for Transformers Age of Extinction, who give a damn when he gave this one too. Yet Zootopia was given a "BlueRay" which I will also reviewed after this one for I saw both of them on the same day.

Watching this film you know that a big part of it depend on how CGI was applied. If its good, then anything the producers create would be believable. If otherwise, it will really hurt the enjoyment. For this one, the SpecialEfx is good. Watching it on big screen you can decide if its good or bad. Example if you compare Transformers movie with a SyFy production movie, then you know what I meant.Its good as watching Gods fly in this movie is not funny but thrilling.

I also appreciate the fighting chereograph - its fun. I did commented that The Last Witchunter had good fighting chereography but the camera editing and capture was poor. Not this one. Its easy to understand the fluidity of the fights. Bravo !

Theres a few big stories to tell in this movie and in the end I was satisfied and I understood what they are. I can say that its closure is good even if the God King flew away for another mission (wont spoil that). The plot is good and it answers what one can do for love. One message from this movie that apply to real life or religous belief was that during this time you can go to heaven with gold and money but not after Horus became God King.  Which is after all what all Religions believe.

The chemistry between The one eyed God (Horus) and Bek the mortal is also good. They carry the meaning of friendship quite deep. Some jokes between them are funny.

My only complaint is the background music just like the last Witch Hunter, it was overly done. Every minute has music which makes the movie cheap. If they had avoided this then it would be better.

The cast is mostly unknown except of course for Gerard Butler who plays a bad god (Set), his father Ra who is an established English actor. Electra is in this one too as The Godess of Love. Quite different than on TV, pretier. Shes a mixed of French and Vietnamese. GB is really a bad God ass in this one.

So thats my review. Definitely require your time at the cinema to enjoy the extravaganza time of Egypt. Hear peoples view as 2nd opinion only not for this movie only but everything else. After experiencing it, decide how good or bad it is. Nothing is the same for every one.

Zootopia review up next.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Daredevil S2

All 13 episodes to download at the link on this page
This is  a review of the whole season trying not to give out any spoiler or reviewing in any order rather than the whole season review. Good Netflix TV series (or other that are released all at once) are series that are meant to be good. If not, I dont think the studios would want to take the gamble in releasing all of the episodes at once. Imagine series like Daredevil if released in the conventional manner would take the audience about 3 1/2 months to complete. But imagine a die hard fan of Red (As the Punisher called him) would take about 11 hours to complete. Thats super fast. So this fan would be wanting for more, too bad had to wait for another season to appear, which could be next year.

So Daredevil S2 had its pros and cons. The definite Pro is that you dont have to know the main characters like  Matt, Karen and Foggy as you know and love them in Season 1. And of course you know who is DD and why he is what he is. Definitely a plus here, you are settled with the red suit rather than the old black Zorro (without hat) kind of outfit. No doubt the suit is definitely his plus point as it is also an amour which is bullet and slashed proof. Even the horns on the head can be a lethal pair of head butt knives.

Now the con for me, maybe nobody quite agree, is that this DD Season had too much of fighting. Not that i dont like it as a matter of fact the fights are head above the previous season. But if you see them back to back, the fighting may be become too much to take particularly, its not your typical kind of fight, but the gory and bashing ones.

In Season 2 familiar faces that was introduced was Electra and of course The Punisher. Also William Finch finally declared himself as KingPin.

Now 2 comments for the whole season thou there are others, better not spoil the fun.

The final fight scene on the rooftop should have been with more ninjas and longer. Before it start you saw these ninjas running. Lots of em perhaps in hundreds. But when it come to the fighting it was only a handful. What happen to the rest ? One film that remind me of endless fighting was between Neo and the clone Smiths in Matrix 2. DD and Electra should have faced foes like this and it would be more satisfying.

When Karen met Matt (as DD) when he came to save her and the other hostages, at that close range and DD mannerism and voice maintain as Matt Murdoc, she could had spotted that it is the same person. They had kissy kissy, BTW. Or maybe it is such hard to believe that a blind Matt could be the DareDevil !

But those are small observations and a few more if i wish to comment. Its a awesome Superhero series. Must check back the movie version of DareDevil when Ben Affleck was donning it. Why so bad ? Anyway people are saying that he is the best Batman ever in Batman V Superman !


- 5th episode. Bye bye punisher and here comes Elektra just when DD is getting real closed with Katherine.
- In this season DD meets The Punisher and they are fighting like cats and dogs. Already seen 2 episodes we know who is  "The Forgiver"

Friday, March 11, 2016


This is the 3rd installment of the IP man. It started with a confrontation from Bruce Lee who wanted IP man to teach him Wan Shu but he was still reluctant. Nevertheless, somewhere in the movie, IPM asked a favor from BL which I think have some effect why IPMan finally agree to teach Bruce Lee. I reckon if there is an IPMan 4, it'll be about Bruce Lee and IP Man. But this story has got nothing to do with Bruce Lee but something else. Mike Tyson showed his boxing skills with IP Man but I doubt if a boxer can be in the same ring with a Martial Arts expert. However, the film didnt want to belittle MT even though he is now a has been. Fatty Sgt Po is quite a familiar face in Hong Kong film circuit.

I like this film. Too bad its in Chinese with subtitles for I have to read the subtitles to understand and this took away the concentration on the acting which is actually good. Donnie Yen can act as the "couldnt care less" Martial Arts master. You can feel his character even when he is with his wife who is taller than him in the movie. Maybe the film dont want to hide the height difference as its according to real people or simply dont have the incentive to do it. 

The background music is also commendable. Its not totally chinese flavored but very soothing when the scenes warrant it. Also effective during the fight scenes.

The strength of the film is definitely the fighting and there are lots of em (including with Mike Tyson of course). What make the fight "pleasant" is that its not superficial with less use of ropes, adequately use of slo mo with excellent editing and camera angles. Its even better than Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger 2 which I saw recently. Perhaps the artistry of the fights lies in Wan Shu itself. But superbly done bravo.

Dont forget the love and family elements of the film. Donnie Yen pulled off as being one cool very committed husband and father. 

See this as its good but ensure you have the subtitles on unless you know chinese. 7.9 on IMDB very appropiate.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just finished watching this movie and honestly I expect this to be a letdown, but it aint !

First Mark Wahlberg and Will Farrel had been paired before in a cop comedy movie which I think named Hard Cop. I remember Dwayne Johnson was also in that too and thats how MW teamed up with him in Pain and Gain. Anyway it was just pure coincidence that this is again another movie produced by Red Granite which was also behind The Wolf on WS. So Najib's step son is in this too.

This movie nearly get a 2 thumbs from me if not for the slow start which plot is far too familiar in other movies of this nature. But through this movie you will see some real stunt just for seconds but brief enough to bring the respond - did that happened ?

Beside MW and WF, Christen Hayden Church and Bob C who acted as the son in that Pacino's Collins movie were in here. Also stay right till the very end because there is another familiar face, you dont want to miss this for it got me laughing out loud literally.

Like I said, the rivalry of the biological and adopted dads took a different turn and thats what made the difference than other movies of this type. Sure enough, if not for both the main actors the movie may not be as good. But its depend on individuality of course.

Fun with  family value morale in this one

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

 This was a replay of the movie as I need to absorb whats in it the 2nd time as the movie is after all about Trading. Its based on the book by Jordan Belfort whom LD Carpio played. The real person JB who appeared very briefly at the end of the movie looks nothing like LDC. And I dont think the character was played exactly to the JB's mannerism. But like M Fassbender who played Steve Jobs, but looks nothing like him, was also able to carry the movie well.

Viewing this for the 2nd time, in Blu Ray, give the Thumbs up emoticon above. I dont think I like it at the first viewing. And this is a long movie of just 1min less than 3 hours. Mostly comedic the movie is fast paced with many tried but good camera techniques. And it is narrated also so it makes story telling very easy to understand. 

This version was not censored, so now I understand why some people term this movie close to being a porno movie. There are adequate number of scenes where we are feasted with bare naked ladies (and men too). If you are dying to see Margie Robbie naked, look no further, this shows her in full frontal. Lots of LDC's butts shots too.

Some of the parts are really funny for me. One particular scene was at the Club house. Directed by veteran and acclaimed director Martin Scorsee thats why its good.

Why I was interested was how Trading Brokers earn their living. Unlike Fund Managers, they are not responsible on thier investors' money. Like one scene when Mathew (all right all right allright) explained to young JB, that Brokers earn cash while thier investors loose or win on paper money (unless they are cashing them). Commission on Wall Street on Blue chips is only 1% that means that for a $10,000 their comm is only $100. So the fate of the investors money is not their responsibility but they earn their commission already. Now as you can see their job is to sell thier product which is the potential of making money. If their clients keep on losing money, not that they have to pay, but their reputation will be dented. So brokers must be good sellers rather than good traders. Being good at both is a blessing. But they dont trade as they only placed investors' trade which was based on the brokers' recommendation.

So thats why the baldy thumbs up as this movie showed me something. BTW, the movie was made due to the hardwork of our own PM's step son in getting $100Mil to fund the movie possibly from 1mdb.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I want to be a Chef !
Many dont quite like Bradley Cooper in this movie. They said this is not one of his good film or even one of his worser ones. Well I dont agree. I would put him better in this one than the acclaimed American Sniper.

Again in this movie he acted with a familiar female co star. We all know BC and Jeniffer Lawrence in Silver Lining and also Joy. Now this one him and Sienna Miller. The last time with her was in American Sniper. Hard working Alicia Vikander is in here too thou small part. Emma Thompson was also around.

Now what I like about this movie is its pacing and editing and how it covers the works and duties of a chef. How passionate and competitive they are to reviewers and their works. How a chef can be the center of a restaurant commanding respects and admiration from his subordinates. 

BC who played Adam Jones is an interesting character. How is temperament got him into trouble in the first place but how he fought back to be the person who everyone wanted to be. He is the type who can scold his workers if he dont like what is presented to him or even throw things in the kitchen. Not only that he is also a perfectionist who is never satisfied with what his workers' work.These bad management practices are the things that made him not to be the best or always letting him down when he is on top.

Come to think of it, see how perfection they wanted for a food to be presented in terms of food arrangement, cleanliness beside the taste of course. But after watching this movie when they are shouting and swearing in the kitchen especially when right on top and in front of the food, dont you think thats being disrespectful to the customers ? That is just my thought no doubt. 

Anyway, this movie is a pleasant surprise to me and could even be kept in my archive. Yes it has the "hurray" feeling at the end for me. Maybe because of my hope that AJ could change for his own sake.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Blog Ratings Emoticon

On each review, we'll put an emoticon to denote our rating for the movies seen.
We may back dated the emoticons if we have time.
But future reviews will come with these emoticons.
The post would also be tagged in the labels
Excellente ! 2 thumbs up [rate_EXCELLENTE]

Good - I like it [rate_THUMBSUP]

Dont like it that much but dont hate it either[rate_COULDBEBETTER]

I guess that was OK [rate_OK]
Not good wasted my time !! [rate_WASTINGTIME]

Crap !!! Give back my time watching this [rate_CRAPGRRR]