Showing posts with label rate_OK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rate_OK. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

This movie took place about 10 years after the first one which is actually about that long. It has the main actors as the first one. Ben Stiller (of course and he is also the director and producer), Will Ferrel and Owen Wilson. Mila Jakovich was also in the one reviving her role from the 1st one.
IMDB give this a 5.0 rating which to me it deserve it ! Thats why it came on Blu Ray quite fast.
The first thing noticed was the accompanying music. It was like Dark Knight suspense epic music all the way. Sometimes it work sometimes it was quite distracting. Distracting why ? As this is a comedy movie you just kindda of distracted that this movie should be taken seriously.
One thing that can entertain you is the number of actors and celebrities in this one. It started with Justin Bieber and that was funny. But I dont know how BS managed to get to get them killed or being an idiot in the movie. Oh dont forget Jack Bauer ! I wished i did not see this movie as it spoiled JB's character in his many 24 TV series !

As a director and how the action were shown, Ben Stiller is not bad. Just as he did with Walter Minty. But the jokes are stupid at times and the plot is childish. Thats my complaint.

Well see it for a good laugh here and there and knowing your celebrities.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Notable names in this movie were hardworking Michael Shannon, versatile Joel Edgerton and looks kindda old Kristen Durst. Dont forget the nerdy Kylo Ren, Adam Driver

I chosed to see this movie because of the actors and also the good rating in IMDB. Not forgetting the interesting plot and the trailers. So it was some expectation indeed for the film to bring on. From the beginning the suspense was good as we dont know who these people are (kidnappers?) and what this kid has. From the trailer it looks like some super natural being film. The background music was effective too. Kindda of techno and manage to keep the pacing just right.

Then as you get along and things start to reveal themselves, you were hoping it could have been better ! Even the crooks are "good enough" to tie you up instead of killing with a bullet thou they can do it anytime. 

But when the movie ends, to me, it was such a waste on what it could have become.

See this for good acting but with a script that did not hit mark.


This is nothing more than a nostalgic documentary on Tower Records which was very big in the 70's and 80's when the vinyl's industry was at its peak. It has lot of interviews with the founders, managers and employees. How the business bloomed from an idea was interesting thou. Its record stores were gigantum where an inside look of it showed like a factory where famous celebrities once visited even those from Britain including Elton John and Jimmy Page. Thats shows how big it was.

Well it met its demise when people can download music from the internet or perhaps earlier than that when people can copy the originals on CDs and still mantain its quality.

Come to think of it "How do musician survive these days. When their effort can be robbed in seconds of piracy ?"

This documentary is good for those who wants to walk down memory lane. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

This movie was based on a book which now already in the 3rd series. So watching this you should be forgiving enough that it seem to include everything to make a movie interesting. One thing for sure, it target the younger audience somewhere in the category of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent and many more. Did it succeed like some of the kiddy franchise ? I dont think so. Nevertheless, you kindda expect for a sequel from watching how it ends.

The movie tried to be smart (or low budget or simply for following the book) by not showing any true form aliens although its 100% movie of alien invasion. Instead these aliens take over human host. Kill the host and you kill the alien. But you wouldn't know who is alien or who is human unless you have this scanning device.My only problem with this, how come the alien is so small and looks harmless sitting just below the brain in the head ? If it came out, sure it would be as harmless as a rodent ? It would make the movie definitely a bit more interesting in showing how the aliens infested and host a human. Well like "Alien".

Wonder why they want to incorporate the kiddy stuffs into the movie. Oooo I get it as it was based on the book which targets kids to read. The rationality was quite unbelievable. Is it possible to train kids to be soldiers and send them to war zone with machine guns with a matter of weeks training ? Small kids as young as a 10 year old ! But (no spoiler) you need to see the movie to understand why. But still it cant make the movie logic nor make the movie interesting. I am sure some parents would have appalled looking at kids fighting in a war zone !

Its nice to see Chloe G Morentz in this. She's a good actor all right. Thou not required to bring the best of her acting, at least the movie is a knot higher due to her presence. The elder brother of Jurassic World is in too. Veteran actor like Liv Schriber and Ron Livingston (small role). Too bad Maggie Siff (a big actress in TV series Billions) got a smaller part.

See this if you crave for movies with kids playing hero. The action sequence is not bad and there is no indication at all that it is a low budget one.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I expected this movie to be good but it was not so. Chose this movie hoping it to be another one about somebody who made it in the financial sector like "Secret of my Success". However the plot is not like that but i could had like it if it was presented better. Well, its about Jim Adams who was a big shot in the financial world of wall street who got sacked and tried to recoup his life in doing something different and what he thought was honest from the challenge thrown  by his father and grandpa. As I said the plot is interesting enough, it could have been good. This was based on a true story about Jimmy Adams, so thats not much running you can do.
It has Danny Glover whom to me was good in this one. His usual self but his character brought the charm which still he has as a veteran black actor. Dont know much about the lead guy J Lafferty but he acted in TV series. Not much on acting but with hard work and luck he has that cut to make as a young action hero guy.
Now lets get to movie..
The movie is slow and nothing much interesting happen. With the way its directed, it could have well fit as a TV movie or those DVD released ones.
One plot that is believable unlike some financial go broke movie is that when Jim got fired he was still ok financially as of course he still has his savings. Unlike some movie who went berserk after got fired. Dont they thought or prepared that anything could happen ? Anyway as this is based on a true story so thats how it should be.
And eventually (as in real life would be) he had to let go his nice house and car and even his good office shoes. 
But good or no good film, you could really admire Jim Adams (he actually existed right?) courage and spirit to do something other than the life he knew on the Wall Street. Really hard working and goal orientated, how he wanted to reach his goal. That is what I like about the character.His wife was also super supporting thou not agreeing right away, she morally supported her husband anyway.
So thats my review. See this to understand that shit happens in real life. Its how you take it that matters.

Friday, March 18, 2016


From title we know right away its about the former premier of Britain Sir Winston Churchill. The secret is nothing sinister that he had multiple strokes near the end of his career. The movie showed his courage to survive due to the support from Clemy his wife. Equaly important was the nurse that attended to him during the trying months.

I guess the movie didnt have much to tell so it also included the squables of his 4 children. Due to that the focus on the man went side tracked. So watching this movie rather than expecting it to be about Churchill vs Stroke and his career plus the help from his nurse Millie, it also incuded his family which I was not interested to know. If the movie had concentrated on how Millie got him well again (never mind if over dramatized) it would have been better. Maybe too little plot to just do that. Or the movie might stressed the timeline a bit to include what he did for Britain and the man he was when in office rather than sticking to tell his bed side victory.

How Millie looked back as her achievement in nursing back to near normal with some nice motivating (and suspenseful back ground music) was good. Thou from the timeline when Churchill left the house and arrived to make the speech which was hours way did not synschronise with Millie depature from the house. She even had time to listen to his stammering on radio. Anyway it was for dramatic purposes which formula was used by a lot of films.

See this if you a fan of SWC and wanting to know the man a bit closer at least during his vulnerable time.

Friday, March 11, 2016

2 robot movies in a row is not good for ya ?

Thats what I felt watching this. Its just too slow. If robots were made to help humans but why do they make them so damn slow and sluggish with no defense mechanism at all ? They look very efficient when building or repairing their own kind (other robots). But the scene when they virtually drag Jack (played by Antonio Banderas) from the wrecked car through the desert was pointless. Why dont they devise some sort of cart with wheels from the car wreckage ? 

This movie stars Antonio Banderas (baldy) his wife Melanie Griffith (plastic surgery?), Dylan Macdermont (unrecognizable) as the bad guy and 1 familiar face. The voice of robot Cleo is of MG, very cute indeed. She also played Dr Dupre.

This suppose to happen in 2044 when the some anomalies occurred with the sun causing 97% of human to perish. Whats left is about 20 million people. There's no crops or trees as the earth had turned to wasteland with miles and miles of desert. Apart from that, radioactive level are harmful in most areas. So for human to survive they build robots. They are built with protocols not to harm humans and not to modify themselves. But some manage to fool this and they became unwanted like homeless people. Yes now you have homeless robots. But they are smart and so they manage to sustain themselves.

These robots are not like Hot Bot robot rather than close to Voltron but very sluggish and mechanical.

I just dont quite get the message of Automata. What were the renegade robots trying to do ? With such proactive attitude, they cant get anywhere when the humans came and searching for them. But lucky you have Jack (AB) to save them more of returning the favor that they did for him.

The movie was trying to be abstract but it failed to me. On a budget of $7mil, what can you do right ? Not much action is what you get and the movie become dragging. But in the end I dont get what was the whole point of the robots running. What are their plans ? There may be a concept here but having a bigger budget with more robots doing it rather than the 4 hopeless ones, could help the putting the idea through.

So to me, the movie failed in delivering what it suppose to.


Saturday, March 5, 2016


This is a British production movie stars Nicholas Hoult (Ex Jessica Lawrence BF ?), young Mr Beast (X men) and also played one of the baldy guy in Mad Max. He is the main character playing an executive guy in a Record production company by the name of Unigram. As this was supposed to happened in the 90s when Musicians really depend on on these guys to be somewhere. Also in this movie was James Corden, the fat British host of an American Talk show. Also new transporter, last seen in Deadpool, is here not a significant role thou.

I have a problem in trying to get what the Brits are talking although with the headphone on. Sometimes I could not completely comprehend what they are talking to one another. I guess the mixing may not be that good or simply they are simply hard to understand. Not because of vocabulary or Slang, simply their resonance is hard to catch unlike Americans. I did had that problem when trying to understand what some Expatriates were talking when working in real life.This is one of those film when I wish it had subtitles but it did not.

The film has its plot and it was narrated so it made the story line more easier to understand and flow easily. One of the narration which i like was when Steve (NH) asked what currency pair a Forex Trader loves. The answer are those pairs that are making profit. Very good answer.

Its about trying to get to the top of the ladder and trying to be on the top and doing the whatever things have to carried out just to be up there. How Steve did this was very smart he already thought ahead of things. And talking about killing in a British movie, you will not be disappointing thou very few in this one.

Watch this to understand how making superstars or an albums work. How demo CD (and not Youtube) was everything back then. Thinking about that, how do they musician survive these days ehhh ?

Stay right till the end to see who was actually the smartest guy in the room was.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Who cuter ? Me or Po ?
I can still felt the excitement when watching KFP1 not a long time ago. How a cartoon movie that seem not so appealing suddenly ended up watching with satisfaction and awe. Guess it was because of a fat unlikeable hero Po voiced splendidly by Jack Black which fit the character well. Not forgeting the other big actors playing voices like Hoffman and even Jolie. That movie storyline from the unacceptable Po to become the mighty one was great. The formula of making a good cartoon film was there, simple straight forward and aswesome cartoon fighthing scenes and sequences which was not seen on the level of kids movie.

Then they make KFP TV series and came out with 2 which I cant remember of seeing it or not. But definitely it was not memorable enough because I cant remember. 

So now KFP made a comeback with the 3rd installment with even bigger ensemble. They manage to mantain the voices of the already impressive voice casts including Hoffman and Jolie and added JK Simmons and Cranston too.

My compliments to the drawings which was fantastic as usual. As it is from Dreamworks it never fail to come out with fantastic artistry. 

Ok here are my problems..
The villian of the movie Kyle voiced by JK Simmons who is a Bisson is very menacing at the start of the movie. Big, Strong and ugly to be one memorable villian in a movie eventhough its only cartoon, like Clauber Lang in Rocky 3. But through the movie he was made to be funny and that spoils it. And when you have a villian with that look acted funny then it collapse the whole believability of what it can deliver.

Second, there are too many pandas from grandma to grandchildren pandas. I remember KFP1 and even 2 are cute because you have only 1 panda to relate to. Now you have lots of em it sucked the cutiebilities of Po bigtime. And they all look the same ! (You cant get round this as they are Pandas, for godness sake!). But to have that element into it spoil the fun for me.

Maybe this is the last of the KFPs ? Why not as now you know why Po became Po and his roots is answered. 

But it was fun watching it immediately after the horrible in the stomach Attack on Titans. But could have wished it was approached differently unless as I reckon, Po is retiring.

Asked what I sit for and this was what I got. You cant judge when you are not entitle to judge in the first place.
What an experience watching this. For those who like, in fact crazy on this movie, are those who love Japanese Anime. Its written all over it. If you want to see giant stupid naked people (or zombies?) eating people  this one is for you right at your face without any concern of censoring the gory part (except the genitals). This film can be so blantantly fan based orientated despite the crappy special effects and story that IMDB gave it an 8.9 ! I dont think it even care that it can scare the shit of those kids who may not have the heart of watching it.

Here you'll see lots of gory scene like a giant swallowing human, pulling arms and legs till they snapped, chewing and crushing humans well this is the right film.
Japanese are known to come up with weird and wild story concepts and this is one of them. Forget about the "Maze Runner" as the element of very high walls is here too, you get plenty what you bargain for here. The interesting things is how do the humans kill them. thou they have a few strategies which are difficult to execute, they wanted a better and easier way.
But one thing I like about the movie is that anybody can be killed whether you are the hero of the film or not.
So if you some very different movie experience watch this. In the midst of the film, I kept asking - what am I watching actually ? For this, the weirder the better it is.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Blog Ratings Emoticon

On each review, we'll put an emoticon to denote our rating for the movies seen.
We may back dated the emoticons if we have time.
But future reviews will come with these emoticons.
The post would also be tagged in the labels
Excellente ! 2 thumbs up [rate_EXCELLENTE]

Good - I like it [rate_THUMBSUP]

Dont like it that much but dont hate it either[rate_COULDBEBETTER]

I guess that was OK [rate_OK]
Not good wasted my time !! [rate_WASTINGTIME]

Crap !!! Give back my time watching this [rate_CRAPGRRR]

The movie title is weird but aptly explained whats in the film. Its about a Pharmacist having a dominating wife and a sexy flirting client.

The movie has many stars like Olivia Wilde, Michelle Monaghan, Kevin Howard, Ray Liota and cameo (I term as such) Jane Fonda. But Sam Rockwell starred as the Pharmacist. Other better actors could play his part and bring this film to a higher notch. Somebody who can play a deuces bag husband. Also Ben Swarch is a familiar face. 

This movie is about a family with crisis told in a comedic fashion way with adultery and "be a man" stuffs in the story line. Drug abuse, addiction and performance enhancing drugs is also included.

I did remember telling that OW is a British actually this is not the case as I saw her once in an interview. She's as yankee as she can be. Maybe her British accent when playing Brit was so good perhaps. BTW shes full blooded American in this one.
This film is with narration to keep it going. You could be surprise who the narrator is until it reveal right at the very end. Narration help a movie (especially this one) goes right to the story telling part and straight to the point. 

The morale of story - sometimes the appropriate solution cannot be the best one.

This film, I sensed, banked on Jane Fonda even Ray Liota. So short an appearance and you put them on the poster.

The film did not reach my expectation because nothing new on the plot bits and pieces from other movies. Not much surprises in the plot thou it nearly got there on the who had died part. Keep this film to see on a rainy day.