Monday, December 21, 2015


Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the toughest amongst us all ?
This was one of my awaiting movies of 2015. Read and heard that its very good from the non spoilers movie reviewers. I dont think it came to Malaysia due to its violence. Even if it came, dont think worth watching at the movie due to its violence. So when it came out in BlueRay, i was happy for this film worth the headphone on with the lights off and a jug of tea treatment. Was I wrong ? Read on. Soft spoilers alert.

The direction and photography is very good that i must say. How it captured the 5 sync moving SUVs into Mexico was amazing particularly the aerial view. Followed by at the toll gates shooting spree. I thought this a Soddeberg with M Mann movie.Really got me at the edge of my sit especially the earlier part. Background music is really sparse but effective when it came out. It was so when the movie starts with a drum beat and its get louder and louder. But near the ending it seem like a computer game of sort where you are following these mercenaries like virtual reality even with night vision.

Thou the after kills are gory you dont get to see when it happened in the most of the killings. So its worth seeing in the dark. Blunt is not as strong as she was in Edge of Tommorrow. Did not exploit her sexiness very far. And very good American accent like you cant detect that she was British (now US citizen if i am not mistaken). Brolin is Josh Brolin. The surprise one is Del Toro. But you have to see it to find out why.

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