Tuesday, December 22, 2015



A well done movie is like this one. No action or special effects just conversation. And it all takes in real time in 3 scenes during the launching of Apple/ Steve Jobs products. But you know that it is beautifully done. The camera works and all that in making a film. Exceptionally like always is the power of the script which was penned by Aoarin Sorkin who did West Wings and Newsroom and even The Social Network. Dont know how much was said in the movie is true but it bring up the characters really well. In the end its the relationship of SJ with his daughter.
Like the Dark Knight movies and many more, this American film of American true characters are at the helm of British. This include the director Boyle who did "slumpdog millionaire". Michael Fassbender did not look anything like Steve Jobs and I dont even know if how he act is anything like the man. But he did it well. Nothing in how he speak tell you that he is not American. So did Kate Winslet who did great Job. The chemistry of both of them, in real life, should have them marrying one another. So much support given to SJ through out his presence. Not forgetting Seth Rogen, but forget him being a comedian for a while for this film did not show him such most of the time.
Lisa when young steal the show for me.
See this movie if you want to know the characters and you want to know the history.

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