Saturday, December 5, 2015


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Finally saw this movie at the cinema possibly during its last screenings at the local theater. Had to see it at the big screen because reports says that it warrant the big screen. I didn't see it on 3D as watching it on 2D would also give some sort of effect as I fear of heights (seriously)
So what can I report about The Walk.. 
The movie become interesting by the way it was told that is partly narrating by Phillipe (JGL) and making  funny as the main ingredient. For this one, Joseph played the part well whom i persume Phillipe in real life is funny too. Even Kingsley playing a cezh was funny too.
Its all about some group of people's effort in stoway in the twin towers (RIP) and pulled out the biggest stunt of all by having Phillipe crossing the towers on a wire. To me, titling the movie "The Walk" may not be the exact choice. To suggest a few like The heist, the coup (which Phillipe refered through out the movie), Tightwire, Crossing towers or something are better as it depicts what happened. The walk would more aptly apply to the "Selena" story of people walking for a cause.
At $35Mil, its money well spent. Never did i thought that the twin towers had gone to debris (911 remember?). JGL seem to be up there and the tower still exist or like the movie was made when the towers were still around. Thats how good the CGI was.Thou no fancy special effects but the CGI on that respect was really good.
One aspect that spoil the fun that it was actually 410m high and 140 ft across, was the lack of wind, like there was non. So the vertigo effect for me was only about a few seconds here and there. But since Phillipe did cross the towers and with ease (as in the film - crossing a few times) I guess it was true as depicted.
On a human aspect, Phillipe is one man of exception. He didnt have fear at all while doing the wire walking not once but a few times. He even bowed and laid down on the wire !! (OMG). Imagine if he slipped then its to hit the road below as no safety net or wire !
When a movie is based on a true story, theres not much excitement you can put in. The Walk suffered this just like the recent Everest. There's no element of wanting to stand up and clap at the end of the film like "Gravity" did. But of course that movie was purely fiction action.
No reference that the towers is no more around except at the end when Phillipe said that the pass the Mayor gave expire "Forever". But he did not mention directly anyway.

First posted : 5Nov15

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