Thursday, December 31, 2015



Watching this movie is an experience ! The movie was directed by the same man that brought Birdman. After watching this pretty long movie of 2 hour 36mins, you really felt that you were at some very cold snowy and icy place. Not only that, you felt that you know already how to survive in the most extreme condition ever. To name one - cut open a dead horse, throw away its inside, get yourself naked and sleep in the horse. This when you are facing a blizzard. How cool can that be !

To me the cinematography was a breakthrough. Most of the shots use a single camera. Moving but not shaky cam. Some of the angles and takes are so innovative and clever that you think this is like another modern day hitchcock when his techniques were talked about by directors after him. I wonder how it felt to see this on a large screen and 3D (if there is this version). Even you can hear the actors from your left or right side when they are speaking behind the camera. Simply brilliant !

The camera takes is like still photography from a photographer in moving forms like the one you see in the old war movie stuffs. And being maul by a bear ! You got to see this and you'll believe that the bear actually mauled the poor guy.

The main actors were Leonardo and Hardy. They have worked before in Inception.

Thumbs up for this ! 

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