Tuesday, February 16, 2016

DEADPOOL (cinema)

Watching Tue 16 Feb 2016 (Date Amended)
Wait for our reviews then
As this movie received many good reviews, I had to see it on the big screen. Even on the morning show, the theater was adequately filled even if this is a 18SX movie (no kids below 18). Perhaps today being Chap Goh Mei did help to bring in the crowds even if it had been showing from 5 Feb.

Yup I enjoyed watching this. Right from the opening credits, it was creatively done where a still picture made the backdrop and the titles were utterly "not the names" of the people involved. Background song some song from the 80's or was it 60's ?

Its story telling is kind of creative too. You can call it flashback but its like you spliced 2 scenes and joined them together. The 1st is the action one and the 2nd how Wade Wilson become DeadPool and his love story with his girl friend.

Known faces, of course Ryan Reynolds playing DP for the 2nd time but this time in a suit. I wonder if the story projected on the screen is similar to the comic books version, but its kindda of fun. I guess the character of DP being the talkative and naughty boy was splendidly and realistically done by RR. Even with the mask on (where it totally covers his eyes and mouth) you are tickled by the jokes. Quite funny where other super heroes need to loose their mask so they can bring the acting out - Captain America, Spider Man and many others. But not this one (he's not even a super hero, so to speak).

Now the girlfriend is played by Morena Becarrine. I thought she was someone younger after watching her in Homeland (the earlier series) as a mother of 2 and lately Gotham. Great choice and tango well with RR definitely.

The main bad guys are New Transporter and Haywire. Both did their part very well. In fact Ed Skrein (Ajax/Francis) was very different than the woody Transporter.

This movie was made on a $58mil budget, but it didnt feel like one... it feels like a bigger budgeted movie ! The action scenes are all tremendously done. The use of slo mo and stills are at the most creative level.

The power of the movie DeadPool lies with the writing. Some of the scripts are so funny that hearing them can make you giggle. There are so many references of real life in this movie. Imagine in a slo mo fighting scene you hear a a love song from the band Chicago ! IMDB also mentioned that RR had a hand in the writing too. BTW he is also one of the producer of this movie.

One question answered is that when a movie is shown locally in the cinema with an 18SX tag, would it be censorship free ? Sadly its not, thou some freeway is given for the "f*" word and other fowl language, noticed that the actions are compromised. One very clear example is when DP shoot one bullet and that smashed 3 heads (as in the trailer). Well that didnt reach our shore. Until a Blue Ray version is watched then we can spot what scenes are remove from the local cinema version.

Fantastic movie this one. If it is the best Marvel movie.. Yup if you are looking at it from a comedy point of view. But its high up on my list of best Marvel movies, comedy et all.

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