Friday, December 4, 2015

Seeing today

 Racing to Extinction 
- This is one serious movie documentary seen. Well done and touched on many subjects that mortal dont even know of. Example: the excretion of methane from cattles reared in this world (about 1.3 bill) of them is actually more detrimental than what the pollution threats worldwide is.The slaughtered of sharks for their fins and even Man of Rays for substituting their fins for shark is mind boggling. There are frames of scene taken full of cut shark fins everywhere where the eyes can see. There are many animals which are left alone at the brink of extinction. There is an archive of animals sound recorded everywhere in this world by really sophisticated recording machine on land and sea. And many more. After watching this film, I believe its deserving if something like the film "When the earth stood still" was sent here. Humans never care for other living things on this earth and we should change, be replaced or replenished.
Hobbit : Battle of the Five Armies
Crossing Lines
- About a female assassin killing the people who might be responsible for killing her black husband. A riot took place near the end. Production must spent a bit more in this episode there. 
Begin Again

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