Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Seeing today

What if i am in the movies. Well I need a better costume than the TV one thats for sure.. like Superman
Supergirl Ep08
- Reviewed
- The flashback also was about christmas but not what happening in the presence. They managed to diffused one bomb but another one went off. I think it was a bank and Caleb the culprit ? We have to wait next week to find out what happen.
- The series returned, or was it gone away ? This episode it try a different kind of direction, but this time it worked for me. We get to know each of the character better. Even the toilet guy ! Its about a team of 4 swat guys stealing NZT and trying them out. Well as expected something bad, really bad happened. But the poorest guy was Boyle where Brian told him what he had done although on FBI standard is correct but as he was on NZT the outcome could have different. And thats Boyle gotta live for the rest of his life for killing his own FBI colleague for the decision he thought was right. And worst for Rebecca it must be. But I think in this episode it showed that the side effect of NZT is imminent only that when that will come. One of the better Limitless episode, that I can say.

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