Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Today Watched

- Today our sweet Superhero fought a robot by the name of red tornado. Nearly loss due to strangulation. This episode is about anger issue or anger management. She revealed to Olson what makes her angry and why she get angry most of the time. That bring the emotional side of her. But also her anger might be the reason why she overpowered the robot. That picture of her with her xrays and face looks pretty scary. Overall she's too sweet to miss.
- continuation. Again the former bosses of CIA elaborated about 911 and deeply rooted that it was AlQaeda and the mechanics how the twin towers crumbled is not even question. Not even the word "Controlled demolition" was mentioned. But the part on Iraq's WMD was an eye opener. How they advised the white house that they did not find any yet the White House pinpointed that CIA did. Thats the reason they go to war.
Major Crimes
- So Andy did make it out of surgery and discharged too. Another romance took place was the other Lieutenant with the black doctor.
Documentary. The making of Trump
- watching this. Its about DT's life and now his quest to be the next president of the USA. My opinion: He could win !

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