Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2014. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
2 robot movies in a row is not good for ya ?
Thats what I felt watching this. Its just too slow. If robots were made to help humans but why do they make them so damn slow and sluggish with no defense mechanism at all ? They look very efficient when building or repairing their own kind (other robots). But the scene when they virtually drag Jack (played by Antonio Banderas) from the wrecked car through the desert was pointless. Why dont they devise some sort of cart with wheels from the car wreckage ?
This movie stars Antonio Banderas (baldy) his wife Melanie Griffith (plastic surgery?), Dylan Macdermont (unrecognizable) as the bad guy and 1 familiar face. The voice of robot Cleo is of MG, very cute indeed. She also played Dr Dupre.
This suppose to happen in 2044 when the some anomalies occurred with the sun causing 97% of human to perish. Whats left is about 20 million people. There's no crops or trees as the earth had turned to wasteland with miles and miles of desert. Apart from that, radioactive level are harmful in most areas. So for human to survive they build robots. They are built with protocols not to harm humans and not to modify themselves. But some manage to fool this and they became unwanted like homeless people. Yes now you have homeless robots. But they are smart and so they manage to sustain themselves.
These robots are not like Hot Bot robot rather than close to Voltron but very sluggish and mechanical.
I just dont quite get the message of Automata. What were the renegade robots trying to do ? With such proactive attitude, they cant get anywhere when the humans came and searching for them. But lucky you have Jack (AB) to save them more of returning the favor that they did for him.
The movie was trying to be abstract but it failed to me. On a budget of $7mil, what can you do right ? Not much action is what you get and the movie become dragging. But in the end I dont get what was the whole point of the robots running. What are their plans ? There may be a concept here but having a bigger budget with more robots doing it rather than the 4 hopeless ones, could help the putting the idea through.
So to me, the movie failed in delivering what it suppose to.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
The movie title is weird but aptly explained whats in the film. Its about a Pharmacist having a dominating wife and a sexy flirting client.
The movie has many stars like Olivia Wilde, Michelle Monaghan, Kevin Howard, Ray Liota and cameo (I term as such) Jane Fonda. But Sam Rockwell starred as the Pharmacist. Other better actors could play his part and bring this film to a higher notch. Somebody who can play a deuces bag husband. Also Ben Swarch is a familiar face.
This movie is about a family with crisis told in a comedic fashion way with adultery and "be a man" stuffs in the story line. Drug abuse, addiction and performance enhancing drugs is also included.
I did remember telling that OW is a British actually this is not the case as I saw her once in an interview. She's as yankee as she can be. Maybe her British accent when playing Brit was so good perhaps. BTW shes full blooded American in this one.
This film is with narration to keep it going. You could be surprise who the narrator is until it reveal right at the very end. Narration help a movie (especially this one) goes right to the story telling part and straight to the point.
The morale of story - sometimes the appropriate solution cannot be the best one.
This film, I sensed, banked on Jane Fonda even Ray Liota. So short an appearance and you put them on the poster.
The film did not reach my expectation because nothing new on the plot bits and pieces from other movies. Not much surprises in the plot thou it nearly got there on the who had died part. Keep this film to see on a rainy day.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
The reviews I came across from the internet for this movie is not good. This movie made only $1/2 mill bucks ? OMG! Others complaining that its another bummer for Cussack and De Niro. One says its better to go get a haircut than watching this. Talking about haters !
I dont say that this is a commendable movie either but not to the extent of belittling what you saw. There are worser movie out there. This one is OK you got what you sit for, thats my analogy.
The Bag Man is an adaptation from a play by the name of Motel. It has big name like De Niro and known actors like John Cussack, Crispin Glover and not forgetting Domenic Purcel. Dont believe I have seen Rebecca Cos Ta before, a tall 6 footer slim blonde (at least in this movie). Hispanic from the name but acted as Russian. So did R D Niro.
I am never a fan of Cussack but I think he did OK in this one. His acting does not show much emotion and just like Keanu Reeves in John Wick he got the part of a killer part time delivery boy for a bag which DeNiro wants without him ever looking whats in it.
As the movie is based on a play, the plot is actually interesting. You keep on wanting to know whats in the bag and whoever Jack (JC) met you tend to ask if they are bad people. There are killings of course and like me I kept on asking when are these killing going to stop or are there anyone more to be killed ?
Robert D Niro did his part well. Good acting as usual but you never felt that he is in this because the studio wants to bank on his name like JK Simmons in Dark Skies :) or a lot of other films that are stingy to pay established actors but put them in the ensemble to bank the movies. Better hair he donned in the film. White like "The intern" but more flushy.
The film didnt feel cheap. No question on the acting. Not that it require great acting because it didnt go there but since they are good actors it makes everything believable. The action is good and the interaction among the characters are also all right. My only complain was how come Jack's hand can be hang with handcuffs without any injury. Then the shooting of the handcuffs at close range, just cant buy it.
Dont stop until the closing credit because there are a bit more than you think that everything is already over. It will make the movie smarter.
(spoiler) one part i like was when RDN's character bashed up an attractive girl's face who was a Forex Trader for clicking the Buy button instead of the Sell button and screwing his investment. That was good.
See this if you want some (lots of it thou) bang bang.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
This is a heartbreaking story of a woman by the name of Alice who at the age of 40 has a rare kind of genetic Alzheimer. It was passed from her father and could possibly effect her children and generations after that. Based from a book, I wonder if this is a true story or not
Julianne Moore who played Alice won awards for her believable portrayal. Other known actors involved were Alec Baldwin as her husband, Kristen Stewart and Kate Bosworth as her daughters.
Alice was creative in her preparation for the inevitable, why not as she was a professor. She even planned things ahead before her Alzheimer got worsen and that she would not be remembering anything
Watching this made us understand the survival of Alzheimer patients better. As Alice had put it, she does not suffer rather than try to survive her problem. How they forgot dates, names, places etc? How they lost their way even couldnt find the toilet in her own house.
Good portrayal of a sufferer and deserving winning her recognition for her works here. The movie did felt fast paced as it tried to develop other characters rather than hers alone, her family members in particular. Kristen Stewart was good as her youngest daughter, the one that she misunderstood but the one who would be there for her mother.
Good and touching movie to the heart contributed by powerful acting.
Monday, February 22, 2016
This movie is inspired by true events starring notable actors like Kevin Costner, Octavia Spencer and hardworking Falcon A Mackie. About 2 hours long its about grandfather Eliot (KC) fighting to have custody of his mixed blooded granddaughter from her father Reggie and his side of the family after his wife was killed in an auto accident. Its pretty ok for a family movie but could have been better. Since its based on true events, would not recommend how the story should have gone or what else can be in the film.
First glance of the movie, I could not have imagined how forgiving and tolerant was Eliot to her granddaughter's father Reggie or the other side of the family. Here you have a black guy of 23 (at that time) impregnating his daughter, not of love but of abuse, of 17 and then died during giving birth. For me, you can't question Eliot's attitude towards racism because he is as good as anybody can get. Despite all that happened to his daughter, he did not despise blacks (especially the father) and raise and loving the child (lucky Eloise) as thou nothing bad had happened. And yet in the court room the opponents lawyer racing the issue of racism (initiated by their lawyer who happened to be a relative) ! I couldn't agree with Eliot more when he brought up that it has got nothing to do with racism rather than his granddaughter's father attitude and character. Typical blackish character of the Reggie and yes when that is being questioned one would say that you are being racist.
Read that Kevin Costner financed the film partly (it was on a $9 million budget only) to play the part because he wanted to prove his point in real life by being Eliot in the film.
The ending was rather tame and nothing much of a ummph kindda of stuff. But it did fine.
Elouise remind me of Tristan of current American Idol. In fact if there is a film about her, she could play her younger self :)
The judge being too lenient who allowed Eliot to give that long speech (thou good) from the stand. Real Judge would have stopped it and instructed the witness to answer Yes or No. Well that's why you call it a movie.
Octavia Spencer is rather young to play a grandmother but good acting make up for that. She even won award for this film. So did Eliot's wife also looks young. I thought she was his daughter when first seeing his first hallucination in the kitchen. Anyway, Eliot could be a younger grand dad and KC could be playing a younger character as his daughter give birth when she was merely 17.
Good family movie on the theme of racism or you thought this is about racism kindda of thing.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Found and watched this movie hoping to be inspired like the sports true story movie I watched before this; "My All American". Its an Irish(?) production and on tight budget. And "old" one too from 2014.
The actors are unknown to me except for the main character as the coach. He appeared in many British movies.
This film is about the Northern Ireland team which made it to World Cup 86 Finals. Only the 2nd time in its history and at that time it was the smallest country playing in the World Cup. Worst, the country was at a civil war between the North and South something to do with religious beliefs.
Socrates is the name of the Brazilan Captain who himself was a poet and a politician. After watching this movie found out in the closing credits that he had died in 2011 at the young age of 57. Thou he was a doctor (medical practioner) and a sportsman, he smoked right before entering the football field for a match to the shock of the Irish players.He died due to health complicated reasons.
The movie used actual live footage of the world cup only from the distant shots. So you know that Ireland is playing but they are not the team you saw in the movie (played by the actors). Socrates played by some Brazilian actor who was tall (like him), well built (he was skinny) and handsome guy(he was not so much). Not much scenes for his part but just to carry the movie, I guessed.
Theres nothing much to shout about for the movie nor do the achievement of the Northen Ireland football team in the world cup that year. It did not qualify to the next round as it drew 1-1 with Algeria and lost 2-1 with Spain. Their final game (which i hoped to be a historic one which did not) lost to Brazil (you cant change history).
But the morale of the story of how they can advanced into the world cup even if their country is in a turmoil. How the team managed to unite the country North and South to forget about their conflicts and war and be proud for the country in a world game. That to me I forever hope to be for this country. Got all the things in the world but still having a shitty football team.
There is one local film about Malaysia in football currently showing in the cinema "Ole Bola" its more or less about the yesterday team that qualify to the Olympics in Moscow. Looks pretty good and hopefully can find its source and review it here in the near future.
An OK movie this one. See this if you are a fan of the game.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
This story took place the time when " The Big Short" was over. When thousands of people had to be evicted from their homes. This story were about the Realtors who made money from the dilemma.The venue is somewhere in Florida, I think.
Spidey2 (Andrew Garfield) teamed up with Gen Zod (Michael Shanon). I remembered that MS was nominated for best supporting actor for this. To me he should be the main and AG play supporting. Perhaps AG had more air time but in conversation, MS had more to me and also the fact that he played a pivotal role. Laura Dern was wrongly casted. Looks too young to be AG's mother.
The background music was different for this kind of movie. But it works for me. Both acted well but kudos to MS definitely. I am doubtful that facebook was that big then when something happen can go viral over the internet.
When something like this happened, the emotion reacting when they got a bigger house (with swimming pool) than thier small house,might not be right. How the mother and even the son wanted the old house more than the one Nash got, I wonder. To me, it will be 100% relief considering that you moved from a motel you have been staying for months !
From the film, at least you know how it could be when one is evicted (at least in America). As cruel it can be law is law. No point in trying to fight or delay it as when time runs out you have policemen with guns knocking at your door.
From the credits, this movie was based on a true story. That makes it more flexible in terms of direction. And so it did.
The movie had it share of surprises on how the events turned out to be.
The diamond con is very good. You need to spent money to get more money to the extent of chartering plane, cars crews and hotel. Dont forget to be a good actor and with good make up on to pass being the confidant of the Brunei Prince.
Stories like this can teach people how to con other people right to the point of ransom and extortion which you'll learned can bring disastrous result. And when it comes to money, can you trust your friends who might con you the con to get all the money and left you gaping ? But then can you trust your friend with 2 years of your life that he will keep low profile until you met up with him to spend your hard work.
The shooting scenes like most British film is awesome. British film is good in combining comedy with bloddy shootings just like "Moonwalkers".
Thou this movie is old (2014) its still worth your time for some fun and good conning. This is no goody goody movie because people will die.
Monday, January 18, 2016
A film from 2014 with Hoffman and Bates. Any good ? Review soon.
So this is a fiction movie. But it could be true too maybe not all the points in the film.. and there's a few of them when treated seperately.
Dustin Hoffman got the part which he deserve and utilized it to the best of the actor he is. Debra Winger, Kathy Bates and even Josh Lucas did not. But that is ok as it focused on Stet the cutey choir boy. Not much can be said about Stet played by new young actor Garret. But he did a lot of choir singing ad lip as it could be miming for someone else. The closing credit song by J Groban is nice thou. Maybe his character did not require much script from him. But when he is singing he looks real enough. Oh yes, Kevin Mchale who was the wheelchair kid in Glee is in the film too. In fact if not because of him (in this film) Stet might never got the chance.
The plot is predictable and like many other movies of its kind. But that should not keep one away from watching this where in the end it is sweet ending for everyone.
Musically the part where who between Stet (the instinctive one) and Devon (Analytical one) for the solo part was great. In the end Carvelle (DH) made the right choice.
If all of Stet's family came to fetch him at the end of the film, it would have been more memorable but cheesy of course. I guess that part belongs to Stet's step mom who I think pretty much like Creed's step mom - the husband's son thou out of wedlock and through an affair is also hers to love and take care of. "Step" may not be the right definition here.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
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Why must see ? Old spidey Toby is here and so does The Beast (Brother of Wolverine version) also is the Prof in Thor. Dont forget above 7 rating in imdb. Its about chess real life story.
It makes playing chess fun again
This is a really good movie worthy of 7.5 rating from IMDB. Tobey (old spiderman) was great in this one. To me his acting is like Ruffalo - acting stone cold not seem to be going anywhere but got it done anyway. Thou its about Fischer's biography of sort its direction make playing chess exciting again. Didnt know that Fischer had this mental problem and perhaps thats the one thing that made him a great chess player. He was able to work out new moves that his openent did not anticipate or know. Maybe chess is like that, you adopt the strategies that you have manouvered before or copy great chess players move. In this way your opponent can calculate how you going to play win or loose. Its your vulnerability actually. Well Fischer was not that kind of chess player, he tried new things and unothordox moves which can cost him or made him win.
But credit should be given to Sparsky too (Fischer's opponent) for agreeing to Fischer's demand and complanits. If he did not, then the world would not know how great Fischer's chess is because he would had been forfeited for not following the rules. He was someone thou with so much ego wanted winning in the real sense of the word not because of your opponent's shortcomings and idiocrisies. But Sparsky was wrong to think that Fischer's purposely asked the ridiculous demands because he was actually afraid and not real. So much demands from him but those around him (the priest and the accountant?) always believe that he was going to be a great player from the begining till the end.
And one thing we know from this movie that the stake of US winning is for its own morale of everthing there is against Russia and the rest of the world.
Worth every minute of time spent watching this definitely.
Monday, November 23, 2015
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Can you teach me how to drive ? |
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Worth the watch as Ben Kingsley is playing.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
A matter of faith
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The girl in the screen capture looks nice.
Sypnosis : A Christian girl goes off to college for her freshman year and begins to be influenced by her popular Biology professor who teaches that evolution is the answer to the origins of life.
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