Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I see dead people.
This movie was unexpected. Didnt hope anything from it but it is one of the best film I've seen so far this year. And one of the best "Ghost" film I've seen. Perhaps on par with "Sixth Sense" !

Before elaborating any further this movie is about train. And the special effect which is sparse on the train looks very real not because that it was but because one is already webbed in the suspense before it.

This Australian production has 2 known names whom are Adrien Brody and Sam Neil. The rest are all Aussies actors, I suppose. This movie took place in Australia of course. It has the suspense, the mystery, the thrill, the scarry part and all that of a good ghost film. Don't think I would classify this as horror. Although the Ghosts did interact with the living unlike Crimson Peak, horror may still not be the right category. Rather than why they are still around Peter (AB). That is something like Sixth Sense's story line.

Now here is a movie where the music is being utilized the most. The music bring out the suspense and the thrill. Not too heavy and not too less either.

The plot is so thick that you think that it was based from a book. Actually its not, its done by the same director who also wrote this movie.  

Thumbs up for Backtrack ! This is how you make a ghost movie with all the right recipe in it. FullStop.

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