Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Top movies seen - The Polling Process

- Any movies I have seen of 2015 released listed in the IMDB's 9,000 list (link provided in previous posting)
- As such, the movies listed were theaterical list where TV movies not qualify.
- Does not matter what categories they are in. The word is "Best" on what I like.
- Only movies I have seen. There may be movies which are good but I have not seen which therefore not qualify for the polls. There are also movies I have seen but forgotten while looking at the listing which may be "forgetful" anyway.

- The list are put in a spreadsheet.
- First selection is on those which i think should be in the list
- Second selection is to narrow the list further from the selected first ones
- On reaching a manageable figure, I will then put the list in sequence.
Will be posted when the list is done.
BTW, 114 movies have been selected for polling.

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