Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just finished watching this movie and honestly I expect this to be a letdown, but it aint !

First Mark Wahlberg and Will Farrel had been paired before in a cop comedy movie which I think named Hard Cop. I remember Dwayne Johnson was also in that too and thats how MW teamed up with him in Pain and Gain. Anyway it was just pure coincidence that this is again another movie produced by Red Granite which was also behind The Wolf on WS. So Najib's step son is in this too.

This movie nearly get a 2 thumbs from me if not for the slow start which plot is far too familiar in other movies of this nature. But through this movie you will see some real stunt just for seconds but brief enough to bring the respond - did that happened ?

Beside MW and WF, Christen Hayden Church and Bob C who acted as the son in that Pacino's Collins movie were in here. Also stay right till the very end because there is another familiar face, you dont want to miss this for it got me laughing out loud literally.

Like I said, the rivalry of the biological and adopted dads took a different turn and thats what made the difference than other movies of this type. Sure enough, if not for both the main actors the movie may not be as good. But its depend on individuality of course.

Fun with  family value morale in this one

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