Monday, January 11, 2016

2 Thumbs Up ! I did not expect this film to be this good. Could be my favourite top 10 movie seen for 2016 already.

Have not seen a movie where I was at the edge of the seat for sometime now. Its plot is thick and very thrilling. You keep on asking yourself what is going to happen. Who and why are those things happening so on and so forth. When you think you got something right, something else contradict that. Thats what you should get when you are watching a really good movie.

Of course added to it is that Sir A Hopkins is in and also Colin Farrel who appear much late into the film out of nowhere. Its not entirely a FBI film as it could also be old Dr Xavier vs Young Dr Xavier kindda of thing. No spoiler here but I think you will agree on this.That girl from Sucker Punch now all grown up and a hottie too.

On doing some reading in IMDB. This film was supposed to be a sequel to 7even and to be directed by D Fincher which he passed. And the studio that produced it faced financial problem. Thou there is an IMDB ratings, it says that it has not been released yet. Not even a movie trailer. So thats how bad the marketing or no marketing that totally bringing this good film to be unknown. If not because of Hopkins and Farrel, what the heck I want to see this for?

My only complaint was the car chase. Although the content of the chase is good, its not exciting enough. Other bad films do car chase a bit better. Not that its totally no good but i think the chase do not liven up to the total quality of the film.

See it before its gone.

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