Sunday, January 31, 2016

This is a moving powerful acting and serious subject movie. Its a true story happening in 2002 about gay equality of two lesbians, Laurel and Stacie. Their fights change history for the county and eventually the whole of USA.

However this review is based on what we see in the film not based on what we saw as montage at the end of the film where the real Laurel and Stacie are not that fragile or having noticeable age difference as they were in the movie. No matter what, as a true story, what transpired should be appreciated and deserving as it should be.

All 4 main characters gave an impressive performances. Why not, as 1 of them (Juliane) is an oscar winner whilst the other 3 (Ellen, Shannon and Carrel) are oscar nominees.

Its hard to imagine how loving they were even if they are of the same gender. They could had make the process of having Laurel's pension to Stacie easy but in an unconventional way as suggested by Dane (MS) when he spoke in front of the FreeHolders, but did not as Laurel's had principle. Nor Stacie bother that much on getting the pension as if she was alone she would be OK when life was without Laurel. Its the love of these 2 that showed that were commendable even many straight husband and wives do not have. How young was Stacie and having to cope up with a loss of a love one whom was not based on any bond or matrimony just the feeling of being together.

Very commendable was Dane as Laurel's working partner. How he stood by her and find ways and means to help her cause in any which way he could. 

Not forgetting how a tragedy of terminal illness (not only cancer) effect loved ones and those we know around us. 

A good moral film for us to ponder. Glad to have seen it and what it shown especially on Lesbian's love for one another which can be very intense. BTW, Ellen Page herself is gay in real life.

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