Thursday, January 28, 2016


This film is a Canadian film about Canadian soldiers fighting in Afghanistan. Hyena Road is a road the Canadian are trying to complete leading to the inner part of the country. In so doing, they face many challenges.

Non of the actors are known to me but they give quite a convincing acting. Canadian uniforms are similiar to US Marines. And if you just glance at them you think they are the other. But their firepower, from the movie, is not bad at all. One way to reaffirm that the war does not belong to the Yankees alone.

The film is good for a war movie. No doubt about it. The actions looks real and not over the top stuff types. The Afghans are not all branded as bad. They too are the victims of the Mujahidin. During the film, in the narration was about Alexander the Great and how he himself had enormous issues with Afghanistan. So did the Russian. That shows how difficult is Afghanistan.

This film has the suspense and the story line. You dont mind that you dont see familiar Hollywood faces in this one. My small complain is too much technical terms when they were communicating on the intercom. Techie like coordinates need not be spelt out. Of course that is critical for the people involved but for the audience, who give a damn. One aspect of the film you should respect is that when you dont know English you dont know the languange. Fullstop. No surprise of suddenly a talking Afghan talking English. Not even subtitles here. Dont worry you understand what they are saying as you have an abled translator at hand.

Like mentioned above. Its a good movie with natural action and "feel" of war. Watching this, unlike any Hollywood take of war movies, you dont feel that the Canadians are the heroes or nobody can beat the shit out of 'em stuff. Its a war where everybody loose.

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