Monday, February 22, 2016

The movie is actually Canadian. Seem to be nominated with many awards in Canada but nothing in the USA. Not that i dont agree as nothing with this movie is a breakthrough or out of the ordinary. Crowd puller are of course father and son Donald and Keifer Sutherland plus Demi Moore. There are one or two have seen actors in the movie, who cares who.

The movie started kindda slow with John Henry Clayton (KS) returning to his hometown  not welcome by his father. Shot rather straight forward with no flashback (except for the intro) we got to understand what and why.There are many movies with this kind of plot especially western movies. So if you wanted a cliche then get right into it.

The cowboy life seems realistic enough. Also you can see horse shit on the ground in the town which is what should be shown in cowboy movies anyway. The shootings and gunfights also looks real as nobody can shoot bulls eye all the time. Even the good guys missed too.

Read that they used the cowboy town backdrop after it was built for a documentary which had completed shooting. Shooting was in Canada. In the movie John Henry was in the war which could be the US civil war ? But maybe its a Canadian war and the town was in Canada and they are all Canadian ? That was not made clear.

The gunfights are thrilling enough where the blood splatter and wounded face looked closed to the real thing.

My complain is why the head of the bad guy Frank can be so out of control and his employer cant even given a reprimand. Even the gunslinger the boss hire didnt seem to be able to control the boys. I guess if the boss did that he can get killed too.

See this if you miss watching cowboy movies or Jack Bauer. Not bad as it is quite short at 1 1/2hr.

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