Monday, February 29, 2016

I was in the movie.. playing some baldy monk !
This movie of medieval Chinese story and actors playing was produced by Netflix is a continuation of CTHD made 16 years ago (OMG that old !). That film was directed by Ang Lee and won many Academy awards despite its not being from Hollywood or England for that matter.

I can still remember the previous movie where the cinematography was simply breathtaking. Chow Yuat Fat was in that one and so did Michelle Yeoh who is also in this one (bit older of course). That time Zhang Yi Zi was the hottie in China then in the US. However she is not in this one as I remember her character died in the last one ? But we got another new hottie here whom looks like her. A mixed chinese Italian and live in Australia. Her first film and hopefully more to come.Natasha Liu playing snow vase.

A heavier Jason Scott Lee played the bad guy here vs Donnie Yen.

If one is to compare between the two this one is pale in comparison. It is not a classic for the acting even the fighting is not on par with its predecessor. As you know Ang Lee's direction can be very artistry like the last one. This is not directed by him. Thou you have the famous flying on the rope  when it was funny then with the scene chasing on bamboo trees, these also have that (not on bamboo trees thou) and seem to be still funny too. But who could blame them and you enjoy the actions and the fighting scenes unfolded in front of you. 

There are many fighting here and you will not be disappointing although you know they are on ropes.

Not much story to tell except for the story to do flashback to bring everybody up to speed on what and why what you see is happening. The gist is "Dont let the crook take away the sword"

Not as good as I would expected because I keep on comparing to the first one. If it is on its own, it would be a good ancient Chinese Martial Art movie. Thats why the it could have been better smiley.

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