Wednesday, February 3, 2016

This is a decent (not great) boxing movie. Not that great as some of the Rocky films or even Southpaw but you might not mind watching and enjoying it if you are a boxing fan.

The only actor I know who also produced this movie is the late Michael Clarke Duncan. BTW he died in 2012 but this movie was released only 2015. It is MCD last movie. Why ? Maybe to bank in on "Creed" popularity ?

One thing for sure about this movie and its similarities with Rocky is Kent Moran. Like Slyvester Stallone who did Rocky, K Moran also directed, wrote and starred in this movie. Not as good as his counterpart but commendable enough for multi tasking the film. There is a cliche in the film about using an old boxing short which was won by Duane (MCD) and his father before him. Problem to me, how can he fit in and why the short looks brand new ? Anyway that was a cliche from Rocky and Creed too.

The movie has a plot because from the start you may be wondering why Jaden Miller (KM) has a black mother ? This was explained eventually and nicely too as you get into the film. Quite logic too and accepted. Anyway, the story would not end if its aint because of the mother.

The boxing choreography looks sloopish not as good as other boxing movies. Question is - why so many falls from both boxers in the final fight ? I thought in boxing you cannot fall more than 3 times even if you make the count. Still cant buy how a kid from nowhere can be fighting for the light heavy title of the world within 1 year ? 

The film could have been more interesting if Jaden's final opponent looks menacing that he did. Where one look you know that he is the bad guy like Clubber Lang or Ivan Drago of the Rocky series. In this one his opponent is a pretty boy who looks cuter than Jaden !

Dont miss this film if you are a boxing fan. If not, still watch it as a tribute to Michael Clarke Duncan.

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