Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Movies may be worth seeing basing on trailers on youtube/imdb

          After scouting, these are movies considered to be worth downloading and watching basing on their trailers found in Youtube or IMDB. But you cant judge a book base on its cover nor a movie base on its trailer. The trailer may be good but the movie may be bad and we will wasting our time watching crap. But if the other way round, then we miss a god damn good movie.

These movies will find its way to this blog eventually ..if they are good enough

OLDBOY - drama thriller because of Josh in it. Quite old of 2013. Reviewedand listed
LAZER TEAM - comedy scifi looks fun the stupid guy in Thadland is in it (already listed). Reviewed 
JURASSIC CITY - expected a bomb but the effects in the trailer is acceptable. And it is a bomb ! Remember of seeing this one time before. Very poor special effects, acting and direction. Not in list

4TH MAN OUT - comedy gay guy movie
UNCAGED - horror man turn human type of movie
DEMENTIA - drama, perhaps we'll know better about the illness
MOUNTAIN MEN - comedy about guys went on a mountain (already listed)
FIGHT TO THE FINISH - kick boxing expecting good fights despite poor acting (already listed)
SWUNG - X rated comedy
THE BOY - Horror about a dummy boy who is alive
DARK SKIES - horror sci fi quite old of 2013 but effects looks good
SHORT TERM 12 - comedy drama with Bree Larson now winning awards for her movie "room"
ASSASSIN - British thriller shoot shot bang bang one

.. to be continued from time to time

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