Sunday, March 27, 2016

BATMAN VS SUPERMAN - cinema 27th March 16

Batman : I am taller than you ! Superman: And fatter too !
Found a suitable date to watch this movie at the cinema which will be Sunday 270316 morning show TGV Jusco Kepong.Tickets to be booked. Reviews will follow soon afterwards
This is a movie that everybody has been waiting for, 3 years including myself. So got the chance to see it at the cinema with family on a Sunday morning show as the tickets are cheaper.

Like I mentioned before when Man of Steel came out, you just cant compare a DC comic movie, at least the one directed by Zack Synder, with a Marvel comic book movie.

I saw many people got this wrong when small kids started to cry as they became restless because this movie is not meant for them to enjoy like they might thought with the Avengers. And I stand corrected again in this one. The direction in this movie is for Adults to enjoy if they understand and if they like the super heroes in the first place. If they expect a straight forward bash em up movie like The Avengers, then they are in the wrong cinema. The movie has that same form of direction  like other ZS's movies like Watchmen, Man of Steel, Sucker Punch, 300 to name a few. I dont think everybody like it like the kids who expect to be enjoyed or the parents who might not enjoyed with the kids they brought along. Then this disappointment bring about the complaints that it is not to their expectations.

Before wathcing this, I got the chance to read some reviews from other revieweres. True the film suffers because it was mend to be a platform to build on the Justice League and worse the decision to cut it to 2hrs 20 mins from the original 3 hrs had affected the story telling significantly. You can feel that its editing is too fast from one scene to another and failed in momentum building. But for the current length it was a drag to many and what if it was 3 hours, it might be a pain. People come to be entertain and not be acknowledge, I think that was the reason.

I can say that this is a Batman movie where Superman and Wonder woman are his guests. Its not a Superman movie with the others are his guests, like I initially thought. But in this one, Batman has been rebranded to the Ben Afflecks version. So I think thats what the director was trying to do. And that took quite a chunk of the movie.

Without Kryptonite, SM is league ahead of BM. He could have killed BM when they first accidently met but he didnt.

The action was very good but BM looks fatter still in the armoured suit. His BatJet and BatCar is also formidable. His fight without the suit was more real than Christian Bale's Batman.

The fights of the two was both made possible thorugh the mastermind of Lex Luthor. But that also brought the two super heroes understand one another. The hate that BM had for SM was real due to action beyond SM control.

There's a very big surprise at the end of the movie which follows what the comic book story plot. But dont worry theres plenty to come.

So thats the review. As for me, I enjoyed the parts where the fights are. As the rest of it I apprecitae for the initiative to create the tension between those two and thats bring down the excitability of the movie. But as I said this is a Zack Snyder Super Hero movie so dont expect a Josh Whedon's Avenger's will ya.

I hope I got to see the directors cut 3 hours version in the future in the form of BluRay.  

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