Tuesday, March 8, 2016

House of Cards Season 4

Finally Seen Episode All 13 episodes

Its not over yet as there will be Season 5 which we will see more action now that the Underwoods had declared The War on Terror. This season was better than the last one. Undoubtedly the best episodes was directed by Robin W. 
Robin Wright chose the most vital episodes to direct especially when her character is portrayed the most. 3 more episodes to go before we wrap up Season 4. The Underwoods vs The Republicans.

The Underwoods are bad asses. Now the challenge for Democrats are over, they will be fighting the Republicans and guess who will be Frank's running mate ? New kid in town Conway is here (Joel K of new Robocop)

Robin Wright was on the director's chair for vital episodes of 3 & 4 and she did a very good job indeed.Seem that she'll be directing 4 more episodes !(Actually only directed 2 more making it 4 episodes)

House of Cards is back for a round of Season 4 !

This Netflix TV series is back and if you are a fan (like me)  you could be downloading the whole season of 13 episodes and watching them one by one making it another House of Cards Marathon like last season.

This is TV political drama at its best starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright as US President and Madam President. President Uderwood (KS) became the US president without even winning a single vote but through their cunning plans which include murdering his threats along the way.

If you are a fan, download the episodes by CLICKING HERE

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