Friday, November 13, 2015

Openload Co Download link modified

It was reported that the download direct link we provide in Openload blog post started to fail. Definitely its the requirement by OpenloadCo to download from their page and not somebody else. This is of course for them to show advertisement. Well nothing you can get for free or easy peasy.

Now the slight change will be, once the download link is clicked you will be taken to Openload download page instead. Look for the download button near the top left of the page. You need to click it twice before the download file to save appear (may vary from different browsers and platform).

But do try the streaming version which is not bad as compared to other providers. It may slow to start but when it start buffering is less than everyone else. Press pause and do something else for buffer to catch on.
Good Luck and happy viewing
Download button is located under the movie title size info beside the View button of Openload Co download page


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