Monday, November 30, 2015


After watching MJ1 on downloaded BlueRay copy at home last nite had the chance to see MJ2 at the cinema. Not that I am a big fan of the franchise, but because I have seen the Hunger Games 1 & 2. And since I had some errands to do at the Mall which the movie was screening and not a worthy movie to see (at least the review say so), planned to see MJ2 and I saw it after all. Anyway both youtube reviews Jeremy and Chris liked it even though admittedly it was slow in most parts way slower than the 1st & 2nd movie.
So what about my review then ?
Well the actors of the film came from notable TV series. Homeland, Mdm Secretary, House of Cards have their actors in MJs ! They are nevertheless not the main actors in the TV series, but they are there in MJ2 and also in MJ1.
I was reminded that the film was going to be slow then fast paced. But i didnt expect it to near the ending in even slow pace and somewhat anti climax. But as they say it puts and end to Hunger Games so thats a relief.
The acting are great, thats the attraction. Especially the dialogue in the sewer is so soft that some of the young audience who are hunger for action starts chatting and it irritate my concentration. The special efx is also impressive. During the bombing scene you dont feel that it was superimposed. But funny how Katniss never seem to hit with debris during the bombing thou a parachute bomb exploded in front of her !
But like what happened in MJ1, the film likes to dead stop an action scene to a very dead slow scene and let it explained what happened which is anti climax. In MJ1 when they raided the Capitol to save Peeta and quite a few times in MJ2 the obvious one when Katniss was hit by the bomb that killed her sister. Next you find her in clinic and when she met Snow all is explained what happened.
I dont seem to mind much with MJ1 thou i saw it at home but MJ2 is perhaps felt draggy. The only reason is the length of the film where MJ1 is only 2hr 2 min whilst MJ2 nearly went to 21/2hr.
Well whats done is done and time had been spend on watching the films. To me, wasted my time in following the franchise. This is due to the publicity given and of course Miss JL is in the lead role.
The concept of Hunger Games is devious, to me, and should not be marketed as children books or movies. Where districts send a pair of children to compete to the death in an annual game called Hunger Games. This, as the books says, to avoid bigger casualties if the adults fight among themselves in civil wars. If it is fiction its ok but not marketing it as books for children.
I agree to what the critics says maybe Harry P and Hobbit can escape by stretching the final film to 2 parts but not Mocking Jay surely.

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