Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Watching today

- 2 gay content in this episode - the footballer and the boss. Sullivan Stapleton is much too serious in this show unlike when he was in Strike Back. He is like Christian Bale, acted with the american accent so often or so good that you dont realized he is of another nationality (Australian)
Secret of Space Escapes Ep 1
- Documentary on chaos in space that was never told before. Not as interested as i expected and will pass.
- This show is actually kindda good. The plot is funny and so are the jokes. John Stamos is somewhat like Robe Lowe old men with young looks
- Talk of the devil. Rob Lowe in his usual self in this episode defending his nephew's acting. It shows how politics can creep into the school's administration when the Principal being blackmailed by the acting teacher. Good show. Plot is not stupidly funny.
You, me and the apocalypse
- Rob Lowe is in this one too. Now he is a father who is the father of the twins. Plot is getting winder. 19 days to apocalypse. Hope they finished this soon as it looks like the show is finding difficulty to hold water.

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