Monday, May 2, 2016

This movie was chosen to view definitely due to John Travolta in it. Rebecca De Mornay was also in it as his wife. And that girl from TV series suit as his daughter acting believable indeed. 

JT obviously had been going thru some kind of Botox or plastic surgery just by looking at his face.

The plot is all too familiar for a movie where in the end you finally knew why what had happened. Corrupted cops where the ordinary citizen had to resort to violence in order to get justice done. Finally crooks discovered that they had ruffled the wrong feathers and this happen to be one who had special set of skills. He got of hold of his colleague and off they go through town with a vengeance.

How the movie was titled and which he had also tattooed the same word on the whole of his back just because of a phrase from the bible that was left open when he threw the bible to the floor. That was pretty convenient. People may think that this is some horror movie or something.

To me JT did not come that strong as the vagilante. He could have donned a mask and become Batman would have been more appealing. But why he decided its time to go is not real to me. Through out the movie he did not potray as that kind of guy unlike Punisher in DD2. If Punisher you know that he is asking for it. But this one did not gave that to me.

See this if you like to see a shoot shoot bang bang movie. JT had acted more convincingly as the bad guy in many other movies he was in like Face Off, Swordfish, the Pelham movie and others.

I did not expect the film to get a 1 thumbs up baldy.. but it did.

This is one movie that I wished I had seen it at the movies. Why ? Because of the boat vs waves scenes. It looks good on the TV screen and what if I saw this, with the sound effects, at the cinema. It must be really something. I remember watching Perfect Storm with the same element of Boat against the waves. But that was a fishing boat which eventually sunk and it was not even so many or big waves. But watch this film and see how a Lefe Guard boat battles the impossible against the odds against the waves. Many times you thought the boat had it but it kept on going and going. As this was based on a true story, the events really happened. So you never can argue its just a movie.

It has Chris Pine who played an opposite version of James T Kirk in terms of character. CP is so timid and follow the book kindda of lifeguard that you thought he would not make it. But his spirit and boldness is somewhat like JTK he played in Star Trek.

The event occurred in 1952 where an oil vessel was cut in half and just waiting for the time when this half sink. Its distress signal was picked up by a nearby LifeGuard base headed by the reluctant leader Eric Bana.Although he gave the order for CP to go out for rescue he could have said no or make an excuse that he tried but the sea was too rough. But he did not do any of those and with 3 men set to sea for the rescue.

The 30 over men on board the halved vessel was headed by reluctant Casey Affleck. He lead the guys not because of his leadership but as he was the only one who had knowledge.

Luck play a lot in the rescue mission as the boat's compass was defective along the way. How they found the halved vessel and how they got back to their port.

For the record, this rescue of 32 lives in a small boat still remain the record in the US naval history.

See this movie to witness the power of the human spirit.

This is a comedy film starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Bell and Peter Dinklage. Much have been said about MM. Some would say some of her films are good like Spy some (in fact many) are not so good. Not so good as she tend to be over the top at times. So I dont know what to expect of The Boss either to be entertain with comedies or irritate with idiotic rants.

Wel it turn out this film is not so bad. Noticed that MM is always wearing a dress that covers her neck. Maybe the wardrobe dept wanted her to be like that to look rich as her character or something else which I dont really bother.

I think MM pulled it off by being a good business woman - how well she spotted a potential business and then analysis on future potential success is good. Also when she sold the business and how they got it back is also good requiring slapstick which add points on the comedic nature of the movie.

Recommended this movie for those expecting comedy as it is some sort of sarcastic comedy. There is a moral to the story of having no family and going from one foster parents to another.

Notable names in this movie were hardworking Michael Shannon, versatile Joel Edgerton and looks kindda old Kristen Durst. Dont forget the nerdy Kylo Ren, Adam Driver

I chosed to see this movie because of the actors and also the good rating in IMDB. Not forgetting the interesting plot and the trailers. So it was some expectation indeed for the film to bring on. From the beginning the suspense was good as we dont know who these people are (kidnappers?) and what this kid has. From the trailer it looks like some super natural being film. The background music was effective too. Kindda of techno and manage to keep the pacing just right.

Then as you get along and things start to reveal themselves, you were hoping it could have been better ! Even the crooks are "good enough" to tie you up instead of killing with a bullet thou they can do it anytime. 

But when the movie ends, to me, it was such a waste on what it could have become.

See this for good acting but with a script that did not hit mark.


This movie have De Niro and Efron in the lead roles. Most people, I think, chosed to see this movie because of who in it rather than whats in it. 

I wish it was a better comedy but unfortunately it seem to be concentrating on other things to make it more marketable such as ZE's body and ass. It has so much dirty jokes and dirty scripts and plots that for sure it is not mend for the kids. Like the title it is a "Dirty" movie. Thou De Niro as the grandpa can be considered as cool, the term "dirty" apply applied here. From his previous movies so far, I think Zac's is being stereo typed as an actor who must show off his body to sell. Thats kindda of lame. As for RDN, its another one of those "passing" movies he want to get involved in.

See it for a session of "dirty" comedies. It could have been more effective if the focus is on the comedy and not on being dirty to be a comedy.


This is nothing more than a nostalgic documentary on Tower Records which was very big in the 70's and 80's when the vinyl's industry was at its peak. It has lot of interviews with the founders, managers and employees. How the business bloomed from an idea was interesting thou. Its record stores were gigantum where an inside look of it showed like a factory where famous celebrities once visited even those from Britain including Elton John and Jimmy Page. Thats shows how big it was.

Well it met its demise when people can download music from the internet or perhaps earlier than that when people can copy the originals on CDs and still mantain its quality.

Come to think of it "How do musician survive these days. When their effort can be robbed in seconds of piracy ?"

This documentary is good for those who wants to walk down memory lane.