Sunday, December 13, 2015


Sufficient imb ranking, Ruffalo and Saldana acting
 Not bad but nice and cute even when two green super heroes (one was in fact a villian) got married
Got the chance to view this finally at a hotel on netbook with headphones on. Quite short at about 1 1/2 hrs long. Both Ruffallo and Saldana had acted as Marvel characters before. But this story has got nothing to do with action and if not good acting it would have been a bomb. But it turned out to be good nice and cute as a family movie.
It was not mention often in he movie that Cam had Bi Polar. I think it was only once. And the way he was arguing with his 2 girls, we thought even the children inherit the father's illness. Loud and eccentric.
Initially in the first part of the film I thought they never gonna raise the mixed marriage issue which can be illogic particularly when this movie was happening in the 70's. Finally they did and it become more real. The eldest daughter was telling that she does not look that black like her younger sibling which is true. However, how the Cam's family accepted their marriage without any doubt from his parents to grandmother can be unebelievable especially this happened in the 70's. Not saying that everyone at that time were racists, but the openly wide acceptance is a bit far fetched.
I also dont think that a mother can leave thier daughters in the hand of a BiPolar father for 18 months to study far far away ! Surprisingly the arrangement continued when she accepted work in New York the place she studied MBA. The only difference, they could afford to pay for the children's education in a better school. But how they could afford to survive when the husband had no job and the mother studying, I dont really know.
Some routine where the bi polar father can leave the 2 young daughters alone in the apartment to go drinking is really uncalled for. And most of the time we never fail to see Cam smoking his day's away.
But anyway this was a good movie with a believable loving and caring family despite the hardship they went through; Good acting resulted it to be such.
First posting : 6Nov15

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Profit Ep 15

CLICK HERE to download or thumbnails to stream

- Marcus joint ventured with a couple on Candles business. Nice input by Marcus as if he is a candles expert. But it shows that with the right business acumen, you can succeed in any business with the right attitude and strategy.
ps. At this moment, the link to the download seem to have been deleted.

Adam ruins everything Ep10

CLICK HERE to download or thumbnails for streaming video

- Basically the 2 issues it touched is on Circumcision and Himen. Adam or rather his co star brought up many startling facts on Himen which many of us got wrong or dont know his view on C is rather neutral. But his take that C does no good on cleanliness is rather not direct. How "trend" C came about in USA, not for religious or culture aspect, is interesting. Everyone is titled to ones own opinion.

Seen Today

Adam ruins everything - SEX
The Profit - Candles
- About the family celebrating Xmas the old school and the new way.

Wifi connection at a hotel in Port Dickson, Malaysia

Wont disclosed names but you can track from the IP number above.


CLICK HERE to download or on thumbnails for streaming

Why must see ? Old spidey Toby is here and so does The Beast (Brother of Wolverine version) also is the Prof in Thor. Dont forget above 7 rating in imdb. Its about chess real life story.
It makes playing chess fun again
This is a really good movie worthy of 7.5 rating from IMDB. Tobey (old spiderman) was great in this one. To me his acting is like Ruffalo - acting stone cold not seem to be going anywhere but got it done anyway. Thou its about Fischer's biography of sort its direction make playing chess exciting again. Didnt know that Fischer had this mental problem and perhaps thats the one thing that made him a great chess player. He was able to work out new moves that his openent did not anticipate or know. Maybe chess is like that, you adopt the strategies that you have manouvered before or copy great chess players move. In this way your opponent can calculate how you going to play win or loose. Its your vulnerability actually. Well Fischer was not that kind of chess player, he tried new things and unothordox moves which can cost him or made him win.
But credit should be given to Sparsky too (Fischer's opponent) for agreeing to Fischer's demand and complanits. If he did not, then the world would not know how great Fischer's chess is because he would had been forfeited for not following the rules. He was someone thou with so much ego wanted winning in the real sense of the word not because of your opponent's shortcomings and idiocrisies. But Sparsky was wrong to think that Fischer's purposely asked the ridiculous demands because he was actually afraid and not real. So much demands from him but those around him (the priest and the accountant?) always believe that he was going to be a great player from the begining till the end.
And one thing we know from this movie that the stake of US winning is for its own morale of  everthing there is against Russia and the rest of the world.
Worth every minute of time spent watching this definitely.


How a 1920's film can be so great
Saw this film after Pawn Sacrifice in the same night making it a Tobey Mcquire's film fest for me. On Tobey, he should be the main star of the film and not Leonardo because he played the pivotal role and more screen times. Perhaps Leonardo is a better crowd puller that he was placed second. Anyway they were both real life childhood friends. I guess Tobey is a good guy so he gave his friend the credit.
The film at 2 hrs 2 mins is very good to me which made want to finish it at one sitting thou I was in a hotel with a 10" netbook and earphone  !
The scenes in the movie is fantastic and real. Its makes 1920's so nice to live in.
The background music is somewhat something new the director (or producer) wants to experiment. If ones noticed the music was rap and hip hop or songs that were recently popular but remake and remixed like Beyonce's songs. I think its because "Jay Z" is one of the producer (if its the same Jay Z). Anyway this "experimentation" works for me as it turned out fine and effective too. It has those Big Band Jazz music too but not entirely in the film.
Like what Nick Corroway (TM caharacter) wrote in this novel about the Great Gatsby, Jay (as  he called his friend) is a great human. He was the man in the power of hope (soemething like the power of believing). When he was small he dreamt of being very rich thou his parents were paupers. He managed to attained this. But then when he met the love of his live he lived and spent his life just to get back to this love of his life.
But how sad he was treated in the end. Betrayed by this "love" of his, framed by the husband of his love of his life and not even appreciated to those he had been entertained at this mansion Gatsby's parties. Such a human tragedy may I say.
I think I will search for the original 70's movie of the same name stariing Redford and Dern just to see how different this one with that. Anyway both are from the same book with the same characters in it (from IMDB's list)
Great just Great. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

New graphic display for download and streaming

As of this posting we now have our own grahic for downloading and streaming, here it is


CLICK HERE to download or on thumbnail for streaming

Not too good review with the critics. They say its too dark a version about Peter Pan. Only worth seeing is baldy Jackman, How good or bad is he in this one. Bad because how fast it can be converted to blue ray.

Seen Today

I need my hammer ! Chris Unthored in Heart of the Sea

IN THE HEART OF THE SEA (at the cinema)
The Man behind the throne
- Documentary and i thought this was about the people behind game of thrones. LOL ! Well its about Vincent who is a Chereographer who worked with M Jakson and Madonna and many more. In fact he was the blonde leader in Beat it knife fight. Quite interesting.
Agent X
- Somewhat they have improved on the music in type and also how much it is played. This time John met his predecessor which he thought had died and lost in combat with him and taken away. Looks like this is another parter.
- This episode is really good. The flashback and the present really worked well in this one. A few of actors bring it home this time when acting skills is required.