Thursday, November 12, 2015

We are your friends

Wanna have Zac Efron as your DJ ? Wel lets watch this comedy.
Actually this movie cant be classified as a comedy as the PreReview implied. Yeah there were some funny moments but its not what the movie is all about. To be more accurate, its on how to be a DJ who is Zac Efron in this movie. He followed his mentor the guy who got swept away by Tusnami on a distant planet in Interstellar (Wes Bentley). It was an OK movie to lull the time away. Must be a real treat to those who love clubbing. Is this the kind of music they are playing at the clubs these days ? Still cant comprehend how clubbers can enjoy themselves watching DJ strutting his stuff particular at the end of movie when Cole/Zac was on stage. With the crowds so packed i dont think they can even dance to enjoy. But that was a fest and not a club. I think it was very kind and generous of James (the mentor) to still be friend with Cole even after what happened with his Girlfriend/Assistant with Cole. The camera work was good too so its not boring. Watching this movie can answer those question on what makes a DJ.. or a good one. How they get the ideas for his piece and go about getting them and mixing them. Nothing much to learn from the morale of the movie (if any). Yes debut directorial from the director of the movie. 
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Lets watch some scifi with Ethan Hawke commendable IMDB ranking for this outing

The Longest Week

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A dose of comedy with Crudup, Bateman and Wilde. Should be a worthwhile watch in BluRay


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Highly acclaimed movie of 2014 where it took 14 years of actors life to bring this film to screen.

Extraction Day

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Lets see some action with this film with unknown actors. It could be good.


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Lets have some fun with this comedy. Elijah and Wilson are here.


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Nearly make it to our min IMDB ranking but since some notable actors are in it like Gross, Pare and Ving why not give cop film a go.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Watching today

- 2 gay content in this episode - the footballer and the boss. Sullivan Stapleton is much too serious in this show unlike when he was in Strike Back. He is like Christian Bale, acted with the american accent so often or so good that you dont realized he is of another nationality (Australian)
Secret of Space Escapes Ep 1
- Documentary on chaos in space that was never told before. Not as interested as i expected and will pass.
- This show is actually kindda good. The plot is funny and so are the jokes. John Stamos is somewhat like Robe Lowe old men with young looks
- Talk of the devil. Rob Lowe in his usual self in this episode defending his nephew's acting. It shows how politics can creep into the school's administration when the Principal being blackmailed by the acting teacher. Good show. Plot is not stupidly funny.
You, me and the apocalypse
- Rob Lowe is in this one too. Now he is a father who is the father of the twins. Plot is getting winder. 19 days to apocalypse. Hope they finished this soon as it looks like the show is finding difficulty to hold water.

OpenloadCo Presentation Improvisation

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Another World

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High ranking of 7.5 on IMDB thou its hard for this kind of movie to make it except low number of positive voters.