Sunday, March 27, 2016


This will be movies available for download or yet to be available that the Author will be next watching or is watching. Normally a review will be released soon after.
Title of movies below are linked to the posting. If you want to read its review or download the movie, please click the respective links.
                                                                   < Feb16 Archive
27th  - Batman V Superman (Cinema)
        - Gods of Egypt (cinema)
23rd - Zootopia (cinema)
         - The 5thWave
21st  - Daredevil 10,11,12 & 13 (completed !)
20th - Daredevil S2 6,7,8 & 9
        - Waffle Street
19th - Daredevil S2  Ep 1,2,3,4 & 5
       - D-Day Survivor (Dropped)  
       - Anomalisa
18th -    Churchill's Secret
17th   Bosch  Ep7-10 (completed)
16th   - London has fallen (cinema)
15th               Ep 5 & 6
14th               Ep 3 & 4
13th - Bosch Ep 1 & 2
       - Point Break (2015) 
11th - IP Man 3
10th - Automata
     - Hot Bot
9th  - Daddy's Home
      -  The Wolf of Wall Street (Replay)     
5th - 8th - House of Cards Season 4 (13 epds)
4th  - Kill Your friends
3rd  - I believe in Miracles
2nd - Looper
1st  - Burnt
See TIB Cinema Feb16 Archive 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This movie received huge critics on the internet. Being rated as "Dogshit", waste of time and plenty more. One critic headline says "Why did i go and see it?". Well are they refering to the same movie or did I watched a different one as I give a Thumbs up for it ! Well if the well known Youtube critic give a "Dogshit" for Transformers Age of Extinction, who give a damn when he gave this one too. Yet Zootopia was given a "BlueRay" which I will also reviewed after this one for I saw both of them on the same day.

Watching this film you know that a big part of it depend on how CGI was applied. If its good, then anything the producers create would be believable. If otherwise, it will really hurt the enjoyment. For this one, the SpecialEfx is good. Watching it on big screen you can decide if its good or bad. Example if you compare Transformers movie with a SyFy production movie, then you know what I meant.Its good as watching Gods fly in this movie is not funny but thrilling.

I also appreciate the fighting chereograph - its fun. I did commented that The Last Witchunter had good fighting chereography but the camera editing and capture was poor. Not this one. Its easy to understand the fluidity of the fights. Bravo !

Theres a few big stories to tell in this movie and in the end I was satisfied and I understood what they are. I can say that its closure is good even if the God King flew away for another mission (wont spoil that). The plot is good and it answers what one can do for love. One message from this movie that apply to real life or religous belief was that during this time you can go to heaven with gold and money but not after Horus became God King.  Which is after all what all Religions believe.

The chemistry between The one eyed God (Horus) and Bek the mortal is also good. They carry the meaning of friendship quite deep. Some jokes between them are funny.

My only complaint is the background music just like the last Witch Hunter, it was overly done. Every minute has music which makes the movie cheap. If they had avoided this then it would be better.

The cast is mostly unknown except of course for Gerard Butler who plays a bad god (Set), his father Ra who is an established English actor. Electra is in this one too as The Godess of Love. Quite different than on TV, pretier. Shes a mixed of French and Vietnamese. GB is really a bad God ass in this one.

So thats my review. Definitely require your time at the cinema to enjoy the extravaganza time of Egypt. Hear peoples view as 2nd opinion only not for this movie only but everything else. After experiencing it, decide how good or bad it is. Nothing is the same for every one.

Zootopia review up next.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016



     Planning to see both in 1 day tomorrow  at Brem Mall Birth day courtesy from MBO. Will give review once done. Good copies of both still not online yet. GOE is hated by every reviewers online while Zootopia on the other hand has good ratings. I expect the unexpected thou.

This movie was based on a book which now already in the 3rd series. So watching this you should be forgiving enough that it seem to include everything to make a movie interesting. One thing for sure, it target the younger audience somewhere in the category of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Divergent and many more. Did it succeed like some of the kiddy franchise ? I dont think so. Nevertheless, you kindda expect for a sequel from watching how it ends.

The movie tried to be smart (or low budget or simply for following the book) by not showing any true form aliens although its 100% movie of alien invasion. Instead these aliens take over human host. Kill the host and you kill the alien. But you wouldn't know who is alien or who is human unless you have this scanning device.My only problem with this, how come the alien is so small and looks harmless sitting just below the brain in the head ? If it came out, sure it would be as harmless as a rodent ? It would make the movie definitely a bit more interesting in showing how the aliens infested and host a human. Well like "Alien".

Wonder why they want to incorporate the kiddy stuffs into the movie. Oooo I get it as it was based on the book which targets kids to read. The rationality was quite unbelievable. Is it possible to train kids to be soldiers and send them to war zone with machine guns with a matter of weeks training ? Small kids as young as a 10 year old ! But (no spoiler) you need to see the movie to understand why. But still it cant make the movie logic nor make the movie interesting. I am sure some parents would have appalled looking at kids fighting in a war zone !

Its nice to see Chloe G Morentz in this. She's a good actor all right. Thou not required to bring the best of her acting, at least the movie is a knot higher due to her presence. The elder brother of Jurassic World is in too. Veteran actor like Liv Schriber and Ron Livingston (small role). Too bad Maggie Siff (a big actress in TV series Billions) got a smaller part.

See this if you crave for movies with kids playing hero. The action sequence is not bad and there is no indication at all that it is a low budget one.

Daredevil S2

All 13 episodes to download at the link on this page
This is  a review of the whole season trying not to give out any spoiler or reviewing in any order rather than the whole season review. Good Netflix TV series (or other that are released all at once) are series that are meant to be good. If not, I dont think the studios would want to take the gamble in releasing all of the episodes at once. Imagine series like Daredevil if released in the conventional manner would take the audience about 3 1/2 months to complete. But imagine a die hard fan of Red (As the Punisher called him) would take about 11 hours to complete. Thats super fast. So this fan would be wanting for more, too bad had to wait for another season to appear, which could be next year.

So Daredevil S2 had its pros and cons. The definite Pro is that you dont have to know the main characters like  Matt, Karen and Foggy as you know and love them in Season 1. And of course you know who is DD and why he is what he is. Definitely a plus here, you are settled with the red suit rather than the old black Zorro (without hat) kind of outfit. No doubt the suit is definitely his plus point as it is also an amour which is bullet and slashed proof. Even the horns on the head can be a lethal pair of head butt knives.

Now the con for me, maybe nobody quite agree, is that this DD Season had too much of fighting. Not that i dont like it as a matter of fact the fights are head above the previous season. But if you see them back to back, the fighting may be become too much to take particularly, its not your typical kind of fight, but the gory and bashing ones.

In Season 2 familiar faces that was introduced was Electra and of course The Punisher. Also William Finch finally declared himself as KingPin.

Now 2 comments for the whole season thou there are others, better not spoil the fun.

The final fight scene on the rooftop should have been with more ninjas and longer. Before it start you saw these ninjas running. Lots of em perhaps in hundreds. But when it come to the fighting it was only a handful. What happen to the rest ? One film that remind me of endless fighting was between Neo and the clone Smiths in Matrix 2. DD and Electra should have faced foes like this and it would be more satisfying.

When Karen met Matt (as DD) when he came to save her and the other hostages, at that close range and DD mannerism and voice maintain as Matt Murdoc, she could had spotted that it is the same person. They had kissy kissy, BTW. Or maybe it is such hard to believe that a blind Matt could be the DareDevil !

But those are small observations and a few more if i wish to comment. Its a awesome Superhero series. Must check back the movie version of DareDevil when Ben Affleck was donning it. Why so bad ? Anyway people are saying that he is the best Batman ever in Batman V Superman !


- 5th episode. Bye bye punisher and here comes Elektra just when DD is getting real closed with Katherine.
- In this season DD meets The Punisher and they are fighting like cats and dogs. Already seen 2 episodes we know who is  "The Forgiver"

Sunday, March 20, 2016


I expected this movie to be good but it was not so. Chose this movie hoping it to be another one about somebody who made it in the financial sector like "Secret of my Success". However the plot is not like that but i could had like it if it was presented better. Well, its about Jim Adams who was a big shot in the financial world of wall street who got sacked and tried to recoup his life in doing something different and what he thought was honest from the challenge thrown  by his father and grandpa. As I said the plot is interesting enough, it could have been good. This was based on a true story about Jimmy Adams, so thats not much running you can do.
It has Danny Glover whom to me was good in this one. His usual self but his character brought the charm which still he has as a veteran black actor. Dont know much about the lead guy J Lafferty but he acted in TV series. Not much on acting but with hard work and luck he has that cut to make as a young action hero guy.
Now lets get to movie..
The movie is slow and nothing much interesting happen. With the way its directed, it could have well fit as a TV movie or those DVD released ones.
One plot that is believable unlike some financial go broke movie is that when Jim got fired he was still ok financially as of course he still has his savings. Unlike some movie who went berserk after got fired. Dont they thought or prepared that anything could happen ? Anyway as this is based on a true story so thats how it should be.
And eventually (as in real life would be) he had to let go his nice house and car and even his good office shoes. 
But good or no good film, you could really admire Jim Adams (he actually existed right?) courage and spirit to do something other than the life he knew on the Wall Street. Really hard working and goal orientated, how he wanted to reach his goal. That is what I like about the character.His wife was also super supporting thou not agreeing right away, she morally supported her husband anyway.
So thats my review. See this to understand that shit happens in real life. Its how you take it that matters.