Monday, November 30, 2015

Watching today

Mocking Jay 1
- In anticipating to watch the part 2 tomorrow. Must keep uptodate by watching Part 1 tonite.
Jessica Jones Ep2
- Pacing still slow but now complete Ep 2. Seem that download link for the other Ep has been deleted. :(
Crossing Lines
- Funny to see Donald Sutherland in 2 shows back to back thou they have nothing in common. This episode deals with counterfeit drugs and swapping the proceeds to buy guns. Typical of the series.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

What we watched

- Thou i saw this at the cinema downloaded the BlueRay copy and see it at home with family. Still referesh and a big hit with the family. Finished watching it even if it was 3AM in the morning. Good film.
I believe have reviewed this previously.


CLICK HERE to download or thumbnails to stream on blog


CLICK HERE to download or thumbnails above for online viewing
Sound terrifying.If it was James Bond's car/submarine Lotus, this would not have been a problem


CLICK HERE to download or thumbnail to stream
This is not the Pink Floyd's Wall production or even the concert they made when the Berlin Wal was torn down. Made in 2014. If you are a big fan of PF or even RW, worth watching.

Project: Broadcast

As of today we have started to promote the blog to various promotion website for public exposure. We do hope the works we are doing will benefit many people and it is for free. Nothing in return for us (as for now), just the labour of love in engaging in it. Number of visitors are our motivation. Thanks
Calling world

The Profit Ep13

Where's Marcus ?

The link has been replaced as of date of this updated blogpost. However, the website is in French. Click on the text link in the red box and you are there.

In this episode there are 2 business Marcus tried to participate. The 1st one did not happen as the operator J Wolf (not even an owner) could not part with control of his business due to ego and pride. Whilst the 2nd one Betty agreed even to the point of closing an outlet. For this one, never saw Marcus got pissed off with a partner before. Good business learned.

What happen when a file is removed ?

The expected to happen happened today. The profit Ep13 file was removed by the OpenloadCo. This will happen time and time again. As we do not host the file, there is nothing we can do about it. If we discovered the problem in time, we can find other sources to replace the one we had. If the post is old, we just had to leave it that way. Nevertheless, this episode of the profit is brand new and posted this week. So it must be a direction to OpenloadCo either from the uploader or the TV company to remove it or face legal action.
What we saw in our blog posting
What is displayed when we click on the download lick taken us to OpenloadCo with the message.
For this one we insert a new replacement for the episode.

Friday, November 27, 2015

43rd American Music Award

Come see me dance and sing JL

CLICK HERE  to download. Sorry no streaming on blog for this one. You need to unrar the files after download to watch it,

Alternative bigger version with no problem of LipSync (Literally !) CLICK HERE

This is the 43rd AMA. This time it was hosted by Jenifer Lopez who to me didnt do much as a host except that you need one. Yes she can dance, announced and even presented but what makes her different than the other guest announcers except that she is officially the one who open and closes the show.
This copy of the show has censorship ! It must some bad language and even Selena Gomez had her song silence a few times (not beep).
Notable was the number of singers young and old who had problem with pitching. This includes Luke Bryan and even Celine Dion ! Was the standard a bit down or my ear is extra sensitive or going old ?
A few are confidently miming and I guess in this age live performance is not a necessity. Justin Bieber surely mimed and a few others. Even Luke Bryan - shame on him on country music.
I am not a big fan of 1Direction but there are a few songs I like. They performed, must be their new single "perfect"(?). Now there are only 4 of em. But what I like is their charisma and their vocals. Each one of them are their own individual performances. Why not, as they are individual failures from a talent show. They're good better than other boy bands we know like BSB, Westlife, NKOTB etc etc.for sure.
Ariana Grande. Why do people keep liking this girl. Having a record of having a top 10 in the first debut single of a new album. She has 3. I think the word is over exploitation. Bette Midler might be right for condeming her left and right for allowing that to happen to her.
The Paris bombing/shooting tribute was memorable. Some of the crowds were crying like crazy although Celine Dion was singing a French song where most possibly no one understands including me !. Very nice introduction given by Jared Leto (30secs to Mars). What he said was fair that they are concern with any violence in any part of the world not only France. But then violence in other countries never find their way to AMA, do they ? 
Overall, the stage was awesome. The technicality gizmos of it were fantastic. I thought having fire on stage is bad enough but then Justin Beiber closed the show in rain soaked ankle deep rain ! That was real indeed.

Watching today

The Brain Ep4
- Yes this is quite outdated. Anyway seen it finally and its about making decision. Many useful information and datas here. How to use science to suppress the brain on addiction is good knowledge. So did how certain chemicals in the brain effect things we don't know or aware of. Good food for the brain thou !
Genesis: Some of the parts
43rd American Music Awards 
The Brain Ep 5 
- This episode deals with another function of the brain. The scarry part is when Dr Eagleman try to learn why do people can carry out genocide like in Yugoslavia and previously during WWII by the Nazis. Study shows that, thou still vague, that propaganda can do that to group of people. The blue brown eyes experiment conducted way back in the 60's conducted to a class in an elementary school, more or less explained that. Now better understanding on how the brain works.
Profit Ep13