Sunday, December 27, 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 my honest review and opinion


If you read some of the comments in imdb you might come across  the statement like "what the fuck happened" quite a lot. Well here are my honest review. Not that this film is not good but it is disappointing when one expect  WW84 to tune in like the first one. It did not !

Most of these comments are originally mine and I did not see them mentioned in other reviews, so far.

1. Make Believe Steve Trevor
So this is finally answered. After watching trailers and promos on how Mr ST or rather Chris Pine would appear in the 2nd instalment as he was already dead (to debris) in the first movie. So his presence came in the form of seeping into another man and through out the movie Diana envision this man as ST ! WTF ! I did not know why the writers did not decide to bring him back wholly as himself through this manifest your dream stuff plot. Trying to make it not a fantasy ? The whole movie is already a fantasy movie like some Disney movie or even Jumanji. So let the audience take it there rather than having to stuck with a bit of reality in a fantasy.
This is my take if I am the producer. It may surprise a lot of people, but here it is.
Why not let the "substitute"  actor who was not bad in the TV series "Falcon" who also died ! to carry his part without Chris Pine taking over. One thing for sure, like Jeremy Jahn's review, Gal Gadot acting was first class, much better than WW or any of her previous movies. She made people believe that Chris Pine was actually only in her head.
If GG was acting badly, you will not feel the pain and the hopelessness when Wonder Woman got thrashed by Cheetah in the White House scene. 
But too bad as the studio still want to bank in the marketability of Chris Pine, afraid that without him the movie would not hold. With due respect to the man himself, he seem older for the part and stale too. More freshness would would have been if Kristofer Polaha (imdb designate him as "handsome man" in their cast credit list) were to continue playing ST's part rather than Chris Pine. 

2. Not a Super Hero movie
This is not one super hero movie. Like I mentioned, it is more like a Disney  fitting into the category of Jumanji or other magical journey movie. The plot of having a baddie with  power to grant wishes just did not cut for me, not when I expect a Wonder Woman Movie !

3. Too careful not scaring audience.
This was another problem. You wont see any scene that was "scrary" like blooshots or crushing bones or twisting necks. Everything was so so innocent that it is OK to bring a 7 year old girl to see it. Well  a bit of this and that would not have made the movie violence but I think it would connect with the more mature super hero movie audiences. 

Overall, it is a movie above par all right. Not bad, but disappointing for me. Still at the very end I was asking "what the F happened?"

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018


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