Saturday, February 20, 2016


What awesome acting this film has. Impressed with Eddie Redmayne (Hawkin) and Alicia Vikander (Ex Machinia). Q (James Bond) was also here but in a small role.

Now after seeing this, I stand corrected that AV gave a powerful acting performance than Bree Larson in Room. But on checking IMDB, AV is not in the leading actress category thou she felt like one (as vouched by IMDB) she is competing in the supporting role. Even ER competing as leading actor is argued by IMDB as he should be in the supporting role. Jokingly, he could have been in the supporting actress category !

OK I have said that about AV and so in my opinion is ER as best actor against overrated Leonardo DiCarpio in The Revenant. In the Oscar, Eddie will be competing against Damon, Cranston, Leonardo and Fassbender. I have seen all the films and my bet goes to ER ! Not bias as he already won as S Hawkins last year. Just like Tom Hanks with Philadelphia then Forrest Gump, 2 years in a row. The only argument that I can think of he would not be qualified as he played a woman ! But I think Dustin Hoffman won for Tootsie a number of years ago playing a woman.

Well thats for the oscar now lets talked about the film..
It is loosely based on a true story about one of the first transgender operation and this happened in the 1920s.

My complaint was why not the dog grew bigger as the story progresses. Maybe its a kindda of small dog which I dont think so.

My salute is for someone to have a wife like Greda who stood and support both Einar and Lili.

This is a film with powerful acting. See it also to understand identity crisis.True Oscar material this one.

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