Tuesday, February 23, 2016


This is a heartbreaking story of a woman by the name of Alice who at the age of 40 has a rare kind of genetic Alzheimer. It was passed from her father and could possibly effect her children and generations after that. Based from a book, I wonder if this is a true story or not

Julianne Moore who played Alice won awards for her believable portrayal. Other known actors involved were Alec Baldwin as her husband, Kristen Stewart and Kate Bosworth as her daughters.

Alice was creative in her preparation for the inevitable, why not as she was a professor. She even planned things ahead before her Alzheimer got worsen and that she would not be remembering anything

Watching this made us understand the survival of Alzheimer patients better. As Alice had put it, she does not suffer rather than try to survive her problem. How they forgot dates, names, places etc? How they lost their way even couldnt find the toilet in her own house.

Good portrayal of a sufferer and deserving winning her recognition for her works here. The movie did felt fast paced as it tried to develop other characters rather than hers alone, her family members in particular. Kristen Stewart was good as her youngest daughter, the one that she misunderstood but the one who would be there for her mother.

Good and touching movie to the heart contributed by powerful acting.

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