We have featured chinese movie before. Now lets go Tamil ! Saw part of the film when it was shown at a video shop at the Mall. The war scene is like a hollywood one. Wait for it and see.
Able to watch this today, family affair. Funny as it is 2hr 42 mins long and newly download. It is a foreign language film (actually dubbed to Hindustani thou we couldnt understand that either!) but with English subtitles.
Now here is the good part - I like it. Thou the cinematography was not as what i expected as most of the sceneries are CGI'ed and are fake obviously like how.huge and high can that waterfall be ! But we all know its a movie with a fantasy theme.
And here's the surprising part, can this film be on $18mil budget ? And its near total Indian made ! To me, the set is massive. Definitely it may be due to cheap labour in India and resources too ?
BTW this is the beginnning and BB2 is coming in 2016 with a $38mil budget and how good would that be ?
The best part is the final war scene. I have seen a lot of old school war like this like Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Twin Towers (LOTR) some chinese war epic etc. But this one beats them all in terms of War strategies and the tactics they employed. On top of that there is also a plot between the 2 princes.
Of course some parts of it felt like a Tamil movie (not necessarily the dancing and too exaggerating ) but who is complaining.
Bollywood should be proud of this film and a good contender for any war epic Hollywood films.