Sunday, January 31, 2016

This is a moving powerful acting and serious subject movie. Its a true story happening in 2002 about gay equality of two lesbians, Laurel and Stacie. Their fights change history for the county and eventually the whole of USA.

However this review is based on what we see in the film not based on what we saw as montage at the end of the film where the real Laurel and Stacie are not that fragile or having noticeable age difference as they were in the movie. No matter what, as a true story, what transpired should be appreciated and deserving as it should be.

All 4 main characters gave an impressive performances. Why not, as 1 of them (Juliane) is an oscar winner whilst the other 3 (Ellen, Shannon and Carrel) are oscar nominees.

Its hard to imagine how loving they were even if they are of the same gender. They could had make the process of having Laurel's pension to Stacie easy but in an unconventional way as suggested by Dane (MS) when he spoke in front of the FreeHolders, but did not as Laurel's had principle. Nor Stacie bother that much on getting the pension as if she was alone she would be OK when life was without Laurel. Its the love of these 2 that showed that were commendable even many straight husband and wives do not have. How young was Stacie and having to cope up with a loss of a love one whom was not based on any bond or matrimony just the feeling of being together.

Very commendable was Dane as Laurel's working partner. How he stood by her and find ways and means to help her cause in any which way he could. 

Not forgetting how a tragedy of terminal illness (not only cancer) effect loved ones and those we know around us. 

A good moral film for us to ponder. Glad to have seen it and what it shown especially on Lesbian's love for one another which can be very intense. BTW, Ellen Page herself is gay in real life.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

This film is directed and co wrote by Mr Guillermo Del Toro (any relation to Benfico?) who also had directed Pacific Rim and Hell Boys movies.The film was reviewed by my favorite Youtube movie reviewers Jahn and Stuckman. There is something I have to differ from them which will be explained below.

The film has very nice sets and costume of the 1800's era both in US and England. Looks authentic and from a well budgeted movie. The house in England where most of the action took place was simply a classic and eerie too. As the director had directed high special effects budgeted movie before this, you wonder what is real what are cgis.

No complain on the acting particularly from J Chaistain (The Martian) and T Hiddleston (Loki of Thor). As this movie rely much on the acting and sets but less on special effects to make it stand out.

As expected you see two familiar faces from Pacific Rim here. And a switch of American playing British and British playing American.

All right here's my take of the movie.
It is not a horror or ghost movie as wrongly spelt out by the reviewers. Even Stuckman main complaint (or was it Jahn) was why didnt the ghost showed up ? My opinion that it is not that kind of movie rather than its a supernatural one something like Sixth Sense. The ghosts or spirits to be exact are not real as it is the imagination or rather intuition of Edith as she can see Ghosts (emmm.. this is familiar tagline) right from when her mother died when she was 12 (?)). The Ghosts came to her to help, like her mother warnings, or asked her help to reveal the truth on what happened to them. Because if you are expecting a horror movie that will shit your pants, this aint one of em.

The film is good if you are prepared to see it not as a horror film. If not you will be utterly disappointed. Read one review in imdb saying that this is the most directionless ghost movie ever. Hmmm how wrong can that be.

Some movies do not make it to the cinema and without want to waste the money spent, they released it on BlueRay like this one. Clubs or small digital cinemas are fine to broadcast these at their venues as they know that no big film companies will be banging at their door for showing illegal movies.

One would be tempted to watch this because of what written on the cover "Alien vs predator" and " "stormtroopers" . But why in German (?) Perhaps it was released in German ? Ok many questions but let just leave it that way and go straight to the movie.

The other crowd puller is Lance Heriksen. The android (he was younger then) who got ripped off in Aliens. And he had acted in one of the AvV series before. So this cant be that bad.

In terms of suspense its not that bad also. Only that when the alien appeared  you could be exclaiming WTF or OMG ! The concept of the alien is great thou - that it fell to earth in the early 80's in a Soviet capsule and had been freezing in the Behring Sea all this while untile a crab fishing vessel by the name of Harbinger (so thats the title) happened to got it on board and things (as expected) got squassy. But theres a sub plot to this thou I wont spoil the "fun" of watching this. Back to the concept - so this alien has been absorbing all the DNA it was in contact with when it was in the water. As you know fishes, crabs, plankton, whales, bacteria etc etc. And of course human DNA too. It can change form from liquid to solid and vice versa. So its very mobile.  

My problem is that the Alien become undefined. What the F** is it ? To me its more like a creepy plant thing rather than animals. So when you have an alien who could be anything anywhere and everywhere in the movie, that scary part fails. I wish it was like Alien or any other even cheap skate monster movie where you know how it looked like and you are entertain through out the movie being frightened by the sight of it. 

The other thing that bugs me was why the Russian wants just to test how bad the Alien is even deciding to destroy if its that bad. And why the crew of Harbinger have no thought to do mankind a favour - destroy the alien for god sake before it spread to the main land. And the final treatment with the Harbinger at the end is also in doubt. Can it eliminate the thing (a better word) ?? Maybe a sequel for the next one ? Hope not.

So thats my thoughts. Expect the expected.

Friday, January 29, 2016

There are so many stars in this family comedy happy christmas movie. Even Falcon Mackie is in this one too. But I think the one given the best performance was Olivia Wilde. She is so natural in the role she is playing. When she played a mother she was really like one. As a kick ass robot (in Tron legacy) she could do that too. Watching her one may forget that she is actually British.

The pacing of the movie is good. Flashbacks off and on and some fancy film works too. Like another movie also with an element of Christmas and the story of many people, that I saw and love was "Love Actually". But this is about the story of a family of 4 generations from the grandchildren to the grandfather and grandauntie. Alan Arkin for the grandfather is a good cast but Diane Keaton for her daughter maybe a bit too old. How come Merisa Tomei is her sister ? John Goodman looks old and I think maybe they need him to look old for miscast Keaton ? Syfried feels out of place like she dont belong in this story.

Movie with narration can help you to understand the story better and make the pacing fast. This one has a narrator and if you sit to the end of the film you'll be surprise who narrated the story. Surprise for its real life narrator and the acting one.

The story is about problems with every members of the family. But if there is no problem then there will be no story. How they tried to find solutions to these problems.

Good family movie to watch over popcorn but better still if christmas just round the corner.

American Idol 1508




Grandma is not a comedy just because Lily Tomlin is in the lead. Its a family story comprising of people who tend or trying to be funny. It has side stars appearing very briefly like John Choo and that guy from paper towns.

Its about the mission of getting her granddaughter for an abortion. It all happened in one day. The plot "thickens" as Grandma dont have enough money and she does not communicate with Sage(Gran daughter) mother. In this "journey" a few things happened along the way. The film is short at 1hr 18m. If it had been longer it would feel more draggy than it is.

Grandma's life is really complicated. First shes a lesbian who's partner passed away. But before that she was married but had an abortion. Her daughter is adopted. And the daughter went to the sperm bank and gave birth to her "granddaughter". So biologically, the granddaughter is not related to her.

This film strive on good acting LT got herself nominated recent awards. But I was impressed with Sam Elliot who eventhough appeared briefly gave a superb performance as the man who had married 4 times but can never get over that he married a lesbian for his 1st marriage.

The plot is not heavy and you'll get by it and perhaps understand that no matter what gender its all about Love.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


This film is a Canadian film about Canadian soldiers fighting in Afghanistan. Hyena Road is a road the Canadian are trying to complete leading to the inner part of the country. In so doing, they face many challenges.

Non of the actors are known to me but they give quite a convincing acting. Canadian uniforms are similiar to US Marines. And if you just glance at them you think they are the other. But their firepower, from the movie, is not bad at all. One way to reaffirm that the war does not belong to the Yankees alone.

The film is good for a war movie. No doubt about it. The actions looks real and not over the top stuff types. The Afghans are not all branded as bad. They too are the victims of the Mujahidin. During the film, in the narration was about Alexander the Great and how he himself had enormous issues with Afghanistan. So did the Russian. That shows how difficult is Afghanistan.

This film has the suspense and the story line. You dont mind that you dont see familiar Hollywood faces in this one. My small complain is too much technical terms when they were communicating on the intercom. Techie like coordinates need not be spelt out. Of course that is critical for the people involved but for the audience, who give a damn. One aspect of the film you should respect is that when you dont know English you dont know the languange. Fullstop. No surprise of suddenly a talking Afghan talking English. Not even subtitles here. Dont worry you understand what they are saying as you have an abled translator at hand.

Like mentioned above. Its a good movie with natural action and "feel" of war. Watching this, unlike any Hollywood take of war movies, you dont feel that the Canadians are the heroes or nobody can beat the shit out of 'em stuff. Its a war where everybody loose.