Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Big Bang Theory Ep11

OB1KNOB visiting Sheldon ?
The opening may surprise or not surprise you considering how crazy they are with Star Wars

Childhood's End

This is a 3 parter TV series by Showtimes. Same company airing Homeland and a few other nice TV series. Furthermore it is based on the book by Arthur C Clarke who as you know also wrote 2001:Space Odysey
Thou its a 3 parter each parts is about 1 1/2 hrs long (as long as 1 movie) so that would be 3 movies seen.
The movie is SyFy produced. Well you know how shitty can their movies be. 1 point added - if it is action mvoies. If not, like this one, its pretty nice thou you can see that the Spefial Efx not that top notch at all.
At the beginning of the moive thought that it would be straight forward Sci Fi. But towards the 2nd parter, it become like a religous movie and horror too. It has many sub plots and many characters too in it so as to make it this long which I am pretty sure they are also from the book.
A bit dragging at times but what holds it together is the storyline. After all its about the end of the world for godness sake.
Its a previlege to know who was the last man on earth and how he become that person. Like other books or movies of the same theme - We need to start taking care of this earth before we are given or last chance. Fantastic 4 (the old one) 2 - with the silver surfer in it (or is it 3?), Interstellar and The day the earth stood still deals with this theme.


This movie is from the book by the same author who wrote The Fault is in our stars. Its about teenage's stuffs like expected. But PT is not as sad as the other one. It seem to look like a pursuance of love between 2 teenagers (Quentine & Margo) graduating to Universities (at least one of em). But more on the friendship of 3 friends in supporting one another trying to find what seem to be the one he love (or think he love).And due to this he and his friends (+ 2 other females) travelled in Q's car to travel 1,200 miles basing on the clues that Q thinks M left for him. Inspite of that at the possibility of missing their prom.
To me the movie is OK in understanding what Teenagers would do to get what they want. But the problem is the question why were their parents not supervising enough ? Margo's parents didnt mind that she went missing in fact refuse to file a police report as she "left home again". And there is no question on why they allow their children to travel 1,200 miles in a Honda MPV. I think Q's has a driving license if not it is definitely off plot.
The back ground music was nice. How the 3 friends behaved when they are together are fun and real enough particularly when they were at the prom. 

Watched on the tube today

Childhood's end (3 parts TV series)

- with its own review

 Adam ruins everything - nutrition
- This episode is useful but not hard facts enough like some other programs relating to the same topic. Adam could be assassinated for bad mouthing some very well known brands. But thats him.

The Profit - KOTA boards
- Sometimes some people just cant change or joint ventured with. In this episode Marcus met with one by the name of Mike. BTW that guy who hosted Ridiculousness is in this one as an expert which he is.

Deep Inside Reese - How to take a nap
- One time download and view as it was about How to take a nap. Quite interesting. There is this girl who can breakdown her nap into a few segments through out the day and came out with only 4 hours of downtime nap. The requirement for adult is still 8 hours thou.

Obama's at war (documentary)
- This is a nearly 1 hour long documentary on how the current Obama's administration relate to the current issue of ISIS. After seeing this now I know that the birth of ISIS got to do with US aid or intervention. It is also the result of Obama's reluctance to provide military aid in Syria to topple the regime when it clearly used chemical warfare. Obama changed his mind and refer it to Congress to get approval. By a stroke of luck Kerry's suggestion that American intervention would stop if Syria surrender all its chemical weapons which the Russian managed to get Syria to do and US to agree. The birth of ISIS was due this non intervention when it was after all welcomed.

The Big Bang Theory
- This episode is dedicated to the opening of Star Wars TFA with another plot of Amy's birthday. Sheldon gave up watching in just to celebrate his GF's birthday ! Why not bring her along to the movies or just see the movie and reschedule the movie or the other way round. His no reaction for not seeing the movie, more or less I know this character, is not real.

Friday, December 18, 2015

THE FORCE AWAKENS - review completed

The World Awaits
The day has finally came 17 Dec 2015. We will be watching this long anticipated movie at a local cinema in Kepong, Malaysia. This is the 7th installment of the Star Wars series. Lots of followers it has. Some say it could take over Avatar as the highest grossing movie in history. Can it ? Our review coming up tomorrow. May the force be with you.

So by about 1.30pm 17Dec15, it was over. It was not only me who was eagerly wanting to give my views rather than all the other net people including Jeremy Jahns and Chris Stuckman. Also took my time to go see other reviewers. Non of them have the heart to bring in the spoilers to their reviews as the US is only opening the next day. What about mine then ? So here is mine - no spoilers. If any it was accidental !

Rey is not a tough gal at all. But her fighting is believable. But to play swords (with mind controlling skills) instantly without any training is a wonder. Even Luke need to see Yoda and trained for sometime to play the swords. Maybe its her gift or in DNA. If Yoda is still alive he would definitely say - In this one, the force is so strong
Kylo Ren is not strong especially when fighting Rey the newbie gal Jedi.
In reviews I heard a lot of praise for Daisy Ridley (no ties with Ridley Scott) the brit gal who play Rey. In a way her mannerism is much like Keira Knightly. Also another Brit girl who came up in Ep 1 as the Princess body double. By why choose a Brit ? Her friend Finn is already a Brit but acting American. Yes she can act superbly but no she dont have the built for it. She could have worked out for some brawn before taking the role. That could work. But maybe her seemingly hopeless weakness is the thing that audience will relate to ? I also came across that Mathew Vaughn (the one that directed Xmen first class and Kingsmen) passed the opportunity to direct SWTFA because of the choice for Rey among other things of course. I can give a better choice for the role which may sound ridiculous at first but think about it - Melanie Benoist. ; / Melanie who ?? Find out yourself and you may agree.
Agree to what everyone is saying about Harrison Ford. He was good. Cant remember how was HF 30 years ago but he was sure a cocky character. But his jokes was spot on only an actor of his caliber can deliver on those.
Notable actor that we are familiar with but got nothing much to do except die was the silat guy in the Raid 1 & 2. He was part of the gang wanting to take over Han's ship.
Cant spot where were Simon Peg and Lupita. They must be one of those aliens.

Action Scenes
The aerial dog fight was fantastic. Truly enjoyed when Millennium Falcon first piloted by Rey. That was real and thrilling.
Fight scene
Like I said not as athletic when Liam and Ewan were Jedis in the Phantom Menace. But still belieavable and interesting. But what I dont understand why can Finn used the Light Saber ?? I thought only Jedi or those with Jedi's DNA can do that. Perhaps it can open to another plot in future episodes perhaps that Finn is actually the ancestry of Samuel J Jackson's Jedi character ?
And now about mask people fighthing. It happened right from the 1st spiderman (with Tobey), Captain America and now Kylo Ren - you have to fight without the mask if not if wont be that expressive enough.I can still remember Darth Vader fighting Luke - he got his mask on ! Yet it bring on that emotion even though he was under a mask - because he cant live without it anyway.
Kylo Ren's voice was well amplified even his slang. Adam Driver's of Kylo Ren is perfect on how he walks his stature etc. It makes people scared like looking at a ghost. I came to know that he insisted to be Kylo Ren and not other actors even if he was fully covered.

I think the TFA is hard trying to exhibit itself that the phenomenon of SW can still be felt if it is shown today with the right hi tech movie making which it did. There are so many scenes you think that its another version of the first (hmmm or the 4th episode) one. Example - the fight in the battleship, the high structure fights, the shoot in the hole of the Star Killer etc. In the end it shows that it can still be entertaining. Even with higher HiTech surely the current director is better than the original one : /
Having old characters and old story can be both good and bad. Good because you dont have to build the characters or story much more. The bad is that it lacks the element of surprise.

Overall it is a fantastic installment of the saga. After all Disney paid $4billion for the franchise and I am sure they expect to earn more than what they have spent. Cant wait for the next one to come up and I bet JJ A will still be the director.
Yup its over and done with, life will go on.

Adam ruins everything Ep11 - Nutrition

Download source alternative

Some producers are on the look out for pirated copies of their TV program over the internet. Uploadco is one of the free servers that affected. So we provide an alternative site to download. Too bad its in french. Just click on the text in the red box as the graphic above.

The Profit Ep16
P/s Some producers are on the look out for pirated copies of thier TV program over the internet. One of it is this program. So we provide an alternative site to download. Too bad its in french. Just click on the text in the red box.

Going deep with David Rees : How to take a nap

Interesting Info in the program worth watching


After they decided not to cast me in Transformers 3, I seem to have lost myself in the Sun. What the heck am I doing here anyway ?
Saw this movie at the comfort of home. Expected it to be a slow movie and it was that. The boy Louis looks familiar and yup he was in the movie about the brother who was killed in Afghan and he kept the dog. He was good in his role. Josh role is simple and he was effective in it. But the spoiler was the brief intro to the movie (it was from imdb) telling its about an adventure of a father and son, or something like that. So towards the end that was no surprise which spoils the whole movie. Brat !! If it was unknown then the guessing game would make it quite engaging.
People like John (Josh D) cant change as he finally confessed to his son in the end. He is an addict in borrowing money and resorted to robbing. But in this movie, dont see he killed anybody so he could be out and be with his son again.
Nice movie fitting the time of 1hr 30 mins. If it was longer, with unwanted contents, it could not have worked that well. 

First posted: 8Nov15