Friday, November 27, 2015

Genesis - Sums Of The Parts

We're sure are old

CLICK HERE to download or thumbnail above to view online

Saw this on my laptop passing the time while trading. Its as long as a movie but it did not bore. The facts and interviews were interesting enough. Ironically, they manage to get all the members of the band (who are all still kicking) for the interview either together or separately. The outspoken ones (who deserved to be) were Gabriel and Collins. Of all we know of Genesis, Collins and Rurtherford were not the founding members. Only Banks (keyboardist) remains as founding member.
I am not a big fan of the band but some songs I really like. But one thing good about Genesis, on the members that is, they are comfortable with one another. All of them can even make thier own album project and come back and play the band. Even when they left, there was no animosity unlike bands which cant even stay on together or even wants to kill one another example - Eagles and Deep Purple to name a few.
But kindda of confuse with Rutherford. He dont play leads but Genesis never honour the guitarist who was Colins guitarist when he performing solo as Genesis member ? If they did i may have missed that. He's really good but I dont think Genesis really explore his skill and make that the band's forte.
Anyway this is a good documentary and do justice to the band and all its members.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Jessica Jones - Netflix TV Series Whole 13 episodes !

This short series is an adaptation from MARVEL shown on Netflix the guys who brought you DareDevil. Now IMDB voted it as the 2nd best TV show after the Walking Dead at 8.8 !! (OMG!). By watching the trailer, you may understand by.
Proudly giving you all 13 episodes link to download below. Or watch it on OpenloadCo if you want after clicking on the links. Thanks JJ thanks Netflix !

REVIEWS (Unspoiled)
I have seen you tube videos on JJ before started seeing the movie so I know the background of the character before hand. Actually she's quite famous in the Marvel's superhero world. Even Avengers knows her of sort. JJ will join Daredevil and 2 others to make up the Defenders ( Mini Avengers?) Also from the side information, the comic is on the obscene and sexually orientated approach. They question whether that is the same one they would apply to the Netflix series. Notable actors in the series (at least for me) :-
- Carrie Ann Moss (Matrix) Now on the heavy side physique but still attractive.
- Rachael Taylor - the Brit student who cracked the code in Transformer 1 and short live new TV Charlies Angels.
- Luke character - Now in Agent X as the one who is bad
- Jessica Jones - seen her in the "Bitch in appartment.."
So here I am will watch the series with fingers crossed.
Episode 1 (27/11)
Quite on a slow paced until the end. Its because i knew her background from viewing youtube that it can be very slow moving. I understand as the story is trying to tell what is happening while i already know.

Why this ?
Good rating on IMDB at 7.0. Its both classified as horror and comedy. So something must be right here.

Why choose this movie ?
Well this one got a 3.2 rating on IMDB and heard that it had to be taken out from screening at the cinemas because of its massive losses. Well see and be a judge of it.

Why we choosed this one ?
Well, Andrew Garfield (spiderman) and Michael (Zork Superman's nemesis) is in this movie. But dont expect out of this world fighthing as this is a drama with a 7.3 IMDB's rating.

What seen

- Every show now is about thanks giving even John Stamos's Grandfathered. The content is about him getting jealous of a guy who had been there as a "slip in" father to his son. But his son is the one who said he was jealous of everyone who had father while growing up. But he dont blame his his father because his father dont know about him. So we have some slapsticks comedies everywhere in this movie. Overall it was good as usual.
AMA 48th
- Part. Stopped after wathching JLO with dance troops dancing to what believe to be songs of 2014. Why ? The lips is out of sync ! Thought they are miming. To be downloaded again from another source and see what I left off
Jessica Jones Ep1
- To be reviewed

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Blindspot Ep10

Hi Jane, why the sad face ?

CLICK HERE to download or Click thumbnail to view online

The ending of the episode brought this show to a much anticipated  upcoming episode. It could even have been a season finale as it was that thrilling. Finally they caught the female russian spy who killed David (the blonde analysis exBF) in the previous episode. She fought with Jane (the killer I mean) and nearly won if not for Kurt unsporting intervention. The most touching part is when the Analysis (whats her name) confronted Jane about her loss and how regretted it had to end (really end) that way. Such tragic and could happen in real life. A good episode one of the better one.

Watching on the tube

7.8 on IMDB TV ranking

You, Me and the Apocalypse
- 7 days to go and operation Saviour had failed. This is unlike Armageddon or Deep Impact. In this series the strategy is to launched a missile (must be atomic) into the meteor first just to dig a hole then the rocket will entrust itself in it and detonate. More easy work flow but the risk of failing should be bigger. At the start of each episode we see TV telecast of newsreaders reading news as usual bidding farewell when the meteor is about to hit earth. Some sort of call of duty. But if it really happen will they be insane enough to do that without being with their loved ones ? Also, the Vatican declares that Jesus is not coming.
Agent X
- In this episode our Agent X John went to mexico to retrieve a ledger from the drug cartel and also find out an undercover agent killer. Met Luna a hot police officer. Some fighting and John got the ledger, at least sending copies on line, get the girl but would not. In this episode Sharon Stone (also Producer) Mdm Vice President played some role in the investigation. Even manage to show her still shapely body under those sweater and skirt. Last week review was incorrect that the photos was the president having affair. Actually it was her late husband not having affair but thought to have an affair.
The show is not bad but the one thing to me that made it like a low budget is the background music; it always has to be on all the time ? Do with that then the show may be in a different class.
- Reviewed
Mdm Secretary
- The show has up a notch making it not about Presidents but dispute between countries. This round is betwen US and Russia. US retialiate by shutting Moscow power grid bringing the city into total darkness. This according to washington, will humilate the new female president. Why ? Because Russia is confirmed to be the one to sabotage Airforce 1. In fact they can actually down the plane but just crippled it indicating a warning. Now what happened next week is yet to be known.
- Timothy Olymphant appear as himself in the episode. He happened to replace Dean (RL character) in the Grinder when Dean left. A kind of back stabbing it was. Anyway, the father okayed Mr Yau to have sexual relationship with the mother ?? That I dont understand as at the end of the episode everything seem to be settled. Maybe the father has ED ? Still dont make sense.
- Thank god the show s back to normal not like last week. The only thing that i dont get it how come his father now knows everything about NZT and nothing happens to him ? Not the like the last time, he knew a little and got himself in hospital. The plot may have changed as there is no more the bald black british man (former aide to M in James Bond film) terrorizing Finch.

"Download only unrar required" blog posting

Why waste good movies out there. There are movie versions which are in bluray but not viewing and download friendly... but they are good. So from now on we will include those also. The postings will have the movie's poster, movie thumbnails (depends) and the logo below to download. Just click on it and follow the simple instruction how to download. Be sure to unrar it before finally watching it on your computer or media player.

Dont have Winrar (one way to unrar the rar files) in your computer ? Quite unlikely as all new computer have it. Nevermind, download the file below and install. Got from reliable sources but no guarantee that it has no malwares or other harmful stuffs.

Not the one with Fassbender as Steve Jobs one. This may be the biographic version of the man. Guess everyone is trying to benefit from the Steve Jobs movie that is showing. Well thats hollywood and thats business.