Monday, October 26, 2015

Spectre. Sky Movies Special

This is one TV upcoming movie documentary which is good including this one. In fact its the one documentary on Spectre that shows the most footage of the film. Making the movie much more anticiapted. Daniel can be very funny in an interview like in this one. Not the James Bond character you expected.
The show is premiering in London today and hitting Malaysia 4th Nov. Get your ticket booked. Definitely cinema material.

Movies for the day

- Me, You and the Apocalypse
- The Brain Ep2 (cont and finished)
- Legend (new season 3)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The 3 Blog Girls

Writtings on the Wall (James Bond's Spectre Official Song)

Watched this the first time during Graham Norton Show. But that was a live performance from Sam Smith. The fact is SS is a tall chap taller than James Bond (Daniel) of course. What about the song ? Slow and haunting. Any good ? It will depend on the movie.

Blog going public worldwide ?

Due to a lot of work being constantly put into this blog, the authors intend to show it to a bigger audience by being public and worldwide. Like a movie cliche says "its not about the money" rather than sharing something we are doing for free and which we think is good with everybody else.
The blog's pages are in their final stages and will be published as soon as its online. The pages will explain on how to use the blog easy even for 1st time visitor. But we we need to be careful so as not to be prosecuted for doing this. The fact is everybody is doing it so why dont we (another movie cliche) and its not even about the money (thou we can put that avenue in the blog). So keep fingers cross and see what days ahead will be like. God bless good Muvees.


Preview Review
This film was chosen not because of Luke Wilson but Olivia Wilde (of course). And yes imdb ratings also is a favorable. Dont know what category this to be in. Happy viewing.
To play :

Selected Upcoming Movies

What watching today

- World weirdest events (complete)
- Hitman Agent 47
- Dr Ken
- The Brain Ep2 (part)
- Graham Norton Show - Daniel Craig and JB casts
- Crossing Lines
-  Heroes Reborn

Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Nature Of Things: The Curious Case of Vitamins and Me

This is one of the episodes of David Suzuki the nature of things. This one caught my attention as it is about vitamins. After watching this, one will start to question is taking supplement necessary ? Taking too much can be detrimental same goes when its less than requirement.
Wait to watch.

New fascilities to blog

Added these to the blog :-
- Subscribe. Now those who stumble the blog and would like to follow future postings can place and submit their email here. Located at the right top side.
- Popular Posts
Located bottom right side is the post showing what posts are popular with pics and some snippets. Click on it to go there for more info.